I’ve no doubt that today is going to be a very spirited conversation. (Pardon the pun!)

Because I want to talk to you about your Higher Power – and what I believe from the Quantum perspective that it is.

Today’s Thriver TV is about how our connection with our Higher Power links into the relationships we have with ourselves, life and others – and how we can holistically integrate effectively and become at one with ALL of these parts.

Many of you in this Community have asked me over the years, β€˜How CAN I connect to my Higher Power?’, so it is with absolute joy that today I talk to you about a topic very dear to my heart.


Video Transcript

Many people want to know how to connect to their Higher Power.

Or maybe you haven’t thought about connecting to your Higher Power and so wonder what that may be like. Maybe you don’t even know that you would like to connect to a Higher Power, and therefore haven’t thought about whether this is necessary or not.

Maybe you have had religious experiences that have turned you off the β€˜God thing’, and therefore you’re not sure whether you even want to believe in a Higher Power, let alone connect to one.

Whatever your thoughts, feelings and circumstance, I am really thrilled to be having this conversation about a Higher Power with you today, because it is a topic really close to my heart. And I hope with all my heart, that this video will enlighten you and clear up some important questions for you, as well as give you access to the joy, truth, relief and love that your heart and soul yearns for.

Okay, before we get started, thank you everyone who has subscribed to my channel and for supporting the Thriver Mission. And if you haven’t yet subscribed, I want to remind you to please do.

And if you like this video, please make sure you hit the like button.

Now, on to the episode!

What Is Your Higher Power?

I think the answer to this question is very personal, and I really don’t believe there is any right or wrong answer. I’ll give you my personal take on a Higher Power, and I would really love it in your comments about this video that you please respect other people’s beliefs or versions of their Higher Power.

There have been enough judgement and atrocities, including countless murders, on this planet already due to people demonising other people’s Higher Power views and beliefs. This is not what this Thriver space is here for.

If you want to do that, I ask you respectfully please do it somewhere else.

Anyway, this is what I believe – God/Source/Creation/Lifeforce is everywhere and is in everything. I believe my Higher Power is the space from where everything came and is the part of my Inner Being that governs and controls my cells and processes. Also, I believe our Higher Power is the miracle of life and all that β€˜is’. I believe God is Quantum and the Creator of Quantum Law.

I believe this God-force does not look at us as lesser, unworthy beings, but is showing us, through life experience, that we are magnificent God-like Quantum Beings.

I believe this God-force is loving and benevolent and non-judgemental and does not impose conditions of love and acceptance. I believe that these are man-made constructs.

I believe All That IS …. already IS …. and has NO Requirement. What could God want when God is already everything?

I believe that we are SO unconditionally loved by God, and that the God Quantum Energy state says, β€˜Whatever you are Being – I will give you more of THAT, without any judgment.’

I believe God does not choose our destinies, but allows us to choose and create them ourselves, and that God is always calling us forward with all that we need to choose differently, if what we are choosing is not our True Self and True Life.

I feel so blessed in my life today, to experience incredible love and partnership with my Higher Power. I feel adored without conditions, and I feel that Source has my back and is always striving to bring me exactly what I need in order to release myself to the next highest level of love, joy, success and glory.

This is the partnership I have with my Higher Power now – but it certainly was not always like this.

So, let me explain what it was like – and the shift I had to make to live with this Higher Power relationship.


My Previous Fractures With God

I used to have many personal and painful beliefs regarding my Higher Power.

I believed God thought I was wrong, defective, and even β€˜bad’.

It’s interesting … when I have worked with people with Quanta Freedom Healing, who have been abused by narcissists, how often these painful beliefs have been trapped in their subconscious also.

And to me, it stands to reason how in real life we get and accept the treatment that relates to the subconscious feelings we really have about ourselves.

But more than this, it really is how we feel about our Higher Power’s relationship with us.

I absolutely used to believe that this Higher Force was judging me, punishing me and had even forsaken me.

On the inside, I felt like God must have turned his/her back on me; that I was all alone, out on the edge without love, guidance or a way back home.

In fact, I felt so disconnected from God that I thought I must be a horrible mistake, some abnormality that wasn’t even meant to be here.

When I got deeply into my Thriver Recovery, I knew that an integrated being is someone who feels whole within their relationship with their Higher Power and Self and Others/Life. I knew I had to heal this, because it became apparent to me that for these relationships to be real and functional, I could not have one without the other.

If deep down we believe God doesn’t love us or is punishing us, then how can we love and accept ourselves?

We can’t. And this is why we look to False Sources for our salvation – for our sense of inner wholeness, love, approval, security and survival – rather than have a relationship directly with our True Source.

And this is why we go through horrific experiences with narcissists.

In my awakening on my bathroom floor, when I saw the truth about my disconnection with myself and God and Life in general, I knew I had to heal all of it. I knew I had to find and connect to the truth with my Higher Power. I had seen the truth of Source in my breakdown epiphany; I had felt the unconditional love and the devotion of how everything had happened FOR me and not TO me.
But how was I going to come home to live that truth every day?


The Truth of Our Relationship With God

What I really know as my personal truth now is that we are never not partnered with Our Higher Power, because God is so big we can’t miss him/her.

I also know God and we are One, eternally – and yet we can absolutely have the experience of NOT being with God.

As the God like Creators we are, in the hologram of our personal experience, we are unfolding to the letter our believed experience, according to the emotional experiences and belief systems we have taken on from others.

If we were not taught about our Oneness with God, and instead believed in separation, judgement and conditions, then our soul, which is NOT these things now, will have turned away from this lack of love.

In previous times, having a relationship with God through some of God’s finest presence, such as in plants, nature, healing arts and the ecology of medicine and intelligence of our planet, literally meant death to millions of women who were demonised as witches.

This trauma is still in all our female psyches.

It was not God at work; it was humans using God as their vehicle to do such things.

Likewise, it is frightening the number of adults I have done deep healing with, who were sexually abused through church groups or beaten maliciously by nuns, in the name of God.

I have also done healings with people who carried the terror of being terrified to fall asleep if they hadn’t said their prayers as children, as an example, in case they died in the middle of the night and went to hell instead of heaven.

(Now, I don’t believe hell is a place. It is a state, and that state is the β€˜separation trauma’ of not knowing the truth about God.)

I don’t believe any of these β€˜rules’ and β€˜behaviours’ have anything to do with God. I believe they were man-made constructs portraying God as a needy, judgemental and vengeful human, instead of our True Higher Loving Power.

Is it any wonder so many of us have had fractures with God?

I know mine were horrific.

I believe in the human psyche and that on both personal and collective levels, these fractures ARE shocking and are incredibly responsible for the relationships that we have with ourselves and with each other.


How to Heal Our Relationship With God

This I know – when we find and release and up level all of the terrible fractures we have internalised about our Higher Power, we come home to our True Relationship with God.

This relationship is what we already have coded within us as our organic truth. There is nothing we need to do to GET it, because we already ARE it. We already are at ONE, unconditionally, with God.

These traumas and false beliefs that have been inflicted upon us, taking us out of our Creator Truth and Power, are what disconnects us from knowing this relationship.

The following is what we experience when we get these traumas out of the way:

We know we are safe, eternal, immortal and will never not exist. We know we are already β€˜home’, no matter where we are.

We know we are love and loved.

We know that if we honour our Inner Being, we honour all of Creation – The Field and Life and Others – and that God backs, support and honours this truth.

We know that what we want deeply at a soul level is what God wants for us too, just as much, and that God is always co-partnering with us to grant us this.

We know that we are flourished, nourished and adored beyond measure.

We deeply understand that when we take a wrong turn and things seem bad, that God is still loving us enough to grant us the evidence to awaken us back to our True Self and True Life.


The Filling of the Light With Quanta Freedom Healing Shifts In the Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Program (NARP)

In every NARP Healing shift experience, you are loading up the traumas and false beliefs that hurt, on any and every topic in your life, and then filling the space with your Higher Power.

NARP is so effective and heals what our logical mind simply can’t because it enlists a Higher Power to enter you where the trauma previously was.

And this Higher Power is not a needy, judgemental, conditional human construct of a God. Instead, it is your superconscious – the highest, wisest, infinite potential on any particular topic you are working on at the time. Because that is WHAT God JUST is!

This is what grants the spectacular shifts away from traumatised, broken states into fulfilled, whole, empowered ones instantly with NARP, and is why it regularly heals the unhealable in this Community.

To really accept and fill up and expand with this Light, it has been essential for some NARP members, myself included, to do specific healings on releasing the inner fractures with our Higher Power.

NARP addresses this specifically in certain Modules, recognising how essential it is, and these fractures can also be targeted with Module 1 or the Bonus Modules, in ways that are highly specific and effective.

If you are already on NARP and you want more specific direction, please ask here on the blog – I am really happy to answer your comments and questions about this.

If you are not a NARP member yet, and you want to release all that is NOT you and start filling with your Higher Power – your superconscious Self – then I can’t recommend enough doing the Module healings.

It is EXACTLY what healed me.

Okay, you can get started on NARP by clicking this link. And please know that you have a complete guarantee with my program – there is nothing for you to risk in trying it.

So, in closing, please let’s respect each other’s Higher Power choices and views, and please know I am totally not offended in any way if you don’t agree with my views.

I look forward to your comments and questions.


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75 thoughts on “How To Connect To Your Higher Power

  1. Omg Melanie

    This may be the BEST video you’ve ever published.



    “Blessed are the pure in heart (those who have done NARP) for they shall SEE GOD”.

    Narc experiences deeply challenge whether we’ve understood how worthy of LOVE we are. The Man who arrived as my ultimate helper…aka Narc
    He WAS “The One.”
    He WAS sent to me

    It wasn’t a mistake. It wasn’t a waste of time at all. It was the best thing that ever happened to me. It connected me to God!

    The whole thing was God’s doing because Good is always working on the ATONEMENT.

    I Love love love this post and it is perfect.

    OMG. I LOVE YOU!!!

        1. Melanie, I have had a higher power but I have found I walked away from him and used self will which never works. I know God loves me unconditionally, I have tried to get my daughter to believe but she chooses not to my daughter thinks I should conform to her way which is not the way I choose to live anymore partying, etc. So I have walked away from her. And she is extremely angry with me.

      1. I do love this.

        I wanted to encourage all of us who may be asking “Why aren’t Narcs healed? “. Or why can’t we pray for them and include their Salvation too in the quantum field?”

        I think they are truly agents of change for our sake. Just like Judas was for Jesus. Jesus prayed for Peter, but it doesn’t say he posted for Judas… Who then killed himself because of his betrayal.

        God spoke LIGHT into the Darkness but the Darkness did not disappear.

        GOD SEPARATED the Light FROM the Darkness.
        As we must do as well . The Light does not covert the Darkness in this realm just as we continue to exist in form eventhough in TRUTH we are Spiritual Beings (all of us) in God’s image and likeness.

        Eventually we will all see ourselves as GOD sees.

        1. So do the narcs have souls?
          Or, are they not intended to evolve in this incarnation?
          Or can they if they choose to?
          I often wonder what the “deal” is with serial killers. Do they have souls? They do such awful things and don’t care. The daughter of the BTK killer was on Dr. Oz this week and this poor girl is struggling with the confusion of her reality of living with who she thought was a loving, caring man… and all the while he was killing people…. for fun! She says she has forgiven him, not for killing people, but she hopes that God will forgive him when he dies. He says he knew “what” he was from the time he was in Middle school. What is he?
          Just curious as to your take on these things.

          1. Oh gosh DMJ,

            This is such a big topic…

            I really think this is a subject for another time … this one is big enough to digest as is!

            Suffice to say, I believe that nothing can exist unless there is a consciousness available for it to be birthed in to.

            The human consciousness for centuries has been full of trauma and atrocities.

            I also believe that all experiences are called forth at soul level as healing lessons and evolution for the self and all others involved. There are no mistakes in this.

            I also believe that souls that are catatonic or taken over by the personality allow such separation from God and humanity to exist.

            Mel πŸ™πŸ’žπŸ’›

    1. You’re absolutely correct in that God is always trying to get our attention in hopes of growing closer to Him, whatever it takes even if it means going through a painful experience such as the narc relationship. As for me, I never wanted to be divorced because of my beliefs. However, after 16 years with my now ex narcissist husband, I’m now starting to recover from the heartache of verbal abuse, especially to my children (his stepchildren). He knew it hurt me 10 times more than it hurt my children, yet he continued his cruel and painful verbal abuse off and on until I finally divorced him. He already had a new supply 10 days after leaving my home.

  2. Thank you so much for not being afraid to say that this is about God!!!!!!!!Your God, My God, OMG
    Thank you

  3. Bless you, Melanie, for helping to uncover and make available to us this method of healing over the past years. And God bless all of our Thriver sisters and brothers today and every day. If you only knew how perfectly and wholly and wonderfully God loves you and desires to be in communion with you! He guides us in myriad ways, as individual as each of us. As a Christian my Bible devotions and prayer have led me through and to healing, and I have found that God’s principles are complemented by quantum healing. It’s been such a discovery and release. Moving from a state of fear and despair to freedom and joy and responsibility for our decisions that lead to self-care, is God’s desire for us. The road of life is always full of ruts and detours, but there is hope in God. Let’s always encourage one another to stay on track, to be our true selves, to trust in our Creator and Father.

    1. I so agree LisaKaren,

      That the fundamentals of love and God from the Christian and Quantum perspective are one and the same.

      I Iove that you have embodied this as your joy and freedom, as it is mine.

      So many continued blessings to you

      Mel πŸ™πŸ’žπŸ’›

  4. ❀😍❀😍❀😍 . Hello world. We could avoid the next CATACLYSM of earth were more persons aware of the ramifications of their BIZZAR word usage that we willinly took to get down this drunken walk path and right into the hands of abusers. If not from birth only. Then in relationships that become the end of us. Cheating us of our very life. We have but glib talk and a glance before its over. We will be using words for jobs of the mind to avert the already occurring CATACLYSM. Through business practicess that solve this certain demise. To bad that currently the powers that be keep everyone in guns and fists backed intimidation tactic backed “jobs” of labor that only add to the miserable relations with self and others and our very only one and only moment in existance. I haven’t even read or listened to your video . But am about to . This is only a quick run down of how sweet it is for you Melanie Tania Evans to place your phraseology here for peace of mind for the many that need to be able to put a fix on what they or each of us inherantly know is bugging us to date regarding how we’ve been blind faithe huckstered and perhaps thought we were profound in our self awareness but, only confounded.good day

  5. Melanie from the moment I began doing your work my spiritual connection began soaring to higher levels. It still continues to do so. I LOVE this video. It is a brave and powerful share and resonates deeply with me. Your work has always brought me back to the Higher truth of what was/is happening in my life. Daily seeking this Higher awareness has brought deep peace to me. I love seeking the gift in all I experience no matter how challenging. It is incredibly empowering to live like this. Thank you for putting yourself out there in such deeply authentic ways. You are changing the world and changing how we view that which is sacred. Blessed be. Xo

    1. Awww thank you Rozanne for acknowledging me and my work.

      I’m thrilled that you love your lifeforce of being Source-filled.

      Continued blessings and love to you Sweet Lady.

      Mel πŸ™πŸ’žπŸ’›

  6. Dear Meanie,
    “We know that we are home, no matter where we are”. Thank you. I will keep that close to my heart.
    Thank you also to the people that commented. Yes, yes to you all.

  7. I feel I should have never been born. I was and am a big mistake. I am estranged from God. I don’t know what it feels like to know God loves you….me. I went to church every time the doors opened. I worshipped I read the Bible but I never felt the love of God.
    Now I have purchased the NARP program and I am just as lost. I feel nothing with what is supposed to be a “switch”. Is it make believe? Fake it and hope you make it? How do I use the modules.
    What do I do? I need a mentor to guide me daily. I am so lost.
    I made a notebook. I copied some pages. I got all organized but now what?
    Talk to me like a lost young child because cognitively I am. Please help me.

    1. Awww Beverley sweetheart.

      The way myself and the incredible NARP community can help you the most, is for you to enter and reach out in the NARP members forum http://www.melanietoniaevans.com/member

      If you have any difficulty connecting please email [email protected] and one of my lovely staff will assist you.

      Deep breaths Dear Lady and please know that we will do all that we can to help hold you and help you through this.

      Mel πŸ™πŸ’žπŸ’›

    2. Hello Beverly, beautiful one.

      i want to reach out with a huge hug. It is so wonderful that you have NARP now.

      Beverly, you are not alone. My greatest suggestion would be to join the forum community that you received as part of your NARP3 package. There you will be part of a loving, thriving community and can reach out for support on how to best use the modules.

      I have been using NARP for just over a year now and it has completely transformed – actually I would say it has saved my life.

      The members and moderators in the forum have been with me every step of the way, and they will be there for you too, to help you navigate this journey. You do not have to do this alone. We are all with you Beverly.

      I am sending all of my love and support your way xxx

  8. “God/Source/Creation/Lifeforce is everywhere and is in everything. I believe my Higher Power is the space from where everything came and is the part of my Inner Being that governs and controls my cells and processes. Also, I believe our Higher Power is the miracle of life and all that β€˜is’. I believe God is Quantum and the Creator of Quantum Law.
    I believe this God-force does not look at us as lesser, unworthy beings, but is showing us, through life experience, that we are magnificent God-like Quantum Beings.
    I believe this God-force is loving and benevolent and non-judgemental and does not impose conditions of love and acceptance. I believe that these are man-made constructs.
    I believe All That IS …. already IS …. and has NO Requirement. What could God want when God is already everything?
    I believe that we are SO unconditionally loved by God, and that the God Quantum Energy state says, β€˜Whatever you are Being – I will give you more of THAT, without any judgment.’
    I believe God does not choose our destinies, but allows us to choose and create them ourselves, and that God is always calling us forward with all that we need to choose differently, if what we are choosing is not our True Self and True Life.”

    Melanie, this is moving and beautifully stated. Thank you for sharing your beliefs; they resonate as Truth. Sending you love, gratitude and healing from a NARP Thriver!

  9. Oh Melanie, so pure and beautifully expressed and powerfully authentic. And it feels like such a heavenly loving and gentle energy today here on the blog…both in your talk and in each and every comment. Spirit is here with us …shining it’s gentle Light. Yes Spirit is everywhere and in everything….I’m blessed to live with many animals , wildlife, birds, trees, flowers , waves and water and all the astonishing beauty of nature around us…I see and feel Spirit in all of them daily and believe each creature and each flower is a gift of love from Source/ Creation. Thank you for creating such a wonderful gift today Melanie with this blog and sharing the conversation. ( We spend so much time discussing other things like politics/ economy / social media/ trivia etc and less on the deeper core foundations…) πŸŒŸπŸ™πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸŒΊπŸŒ·

  10. Dear Melanie

    Thank you, thank you, thank you. You are such a blessing. Connecting to a higher power has been my main source of survival. From striving to thriving narcissistic abuse. To healing my traumas that I had. Drawing energy from that higher power/source has been my saving grace.

    Your video has made me realize how far I have come.
    Gods richest blessings be upon you

  11. Hi Melanie, Love your videos and products. Thank you. My issue is: I have done some modules in NARP feeling changes, but dont feel safe in letting you in as you, or trusting angels and guides are benevolent, mention in beginning of recordings and sometimes feel pressure on top of my head at end of module. I feel like this works for so many others but why isn’t it for me? I have done many different products and seem to have same thought, ” It works for others not me” I feel distanced from God and guides but know I am supported. Any suggestions about this?
    Thank you

    1. Hi Suzanne,

      You are very welcome.

      There will be conflicting beliefs within your subconscious that are causing these blocks.

      Until addressed the blocks will remain.

      We can help you with the how to specifically address and release these internal barriers in the NARP members forum http://www.melanietoniaevans.com/member

      Then you will be able to fully benefit from the NARP Module process.

      Much love to you

      Mel πŸ™πŸ’žπŸ’›

  12. Thank you so much for this video, Mel. You really covered a lot in a short amount of time. I had always experienced Oneness for as long as I could remember. When I would hear the adults around me talking about God as though God was something separate from self it sounded as wrong as my hand not knowing it was part of my arm or part of a whole body. I’m grateful that the narcs in my life helped give me the practice and journey of losing it and finding it again. It’s like a doctor can’t really practice being a doctor without the disease to treat. To feel this feeling of wholeness/oneness again is so wonderful! It’s even better than before. Prior to healing, the experience of Oneness felt like a gift. Something that was given, therefore it could be taken away. After healing it is clear that the healer was always here inside. After all, there can be no one else inside when doing inner work except one’s self. (One Self) Now it just seems kind of like a distant dream the years I spent hating myself after narcissistic abuse because the person I was hating was the one that brought me back to the self I am now, so she wasn’t so bad after all. Wild! She, the wounded one, guided me to your wonderful program and you, already being aware of your connection to all, already knew that we would show up because we are not separate. We only have different tasks, like a bee has a different task (or purpose) than a worm but they are two parts of the same thing.

    Mel, you are truly a medicine woman. Everything that you had to go through to become the kind of person who could speak to the higher self in others is the most amazing thing to experience and a million thank you’s would never be enough to show my gratitude. So I’ll just live a good life and keep taking care of this soul.

    And by the way…..I am a firm believer that your program is the correct and modern-day teaching of Jesus Christ. I’m not a religious person, but I love, love, love learning so I read everything and I never EVER believed the writings that said he died for our sins. I’ve always had the sense that he went through that experience of being tortured as an example to us all of how no pain can ever destroy or injure what we truly are nor alter our capacity to love. Unfortunately, many people hear his story and they turn into co-dependants seeking a savior instead of seeking to know the power of love within themselves. (no judgment. just tiny bit sad that they don’t know what they’re missing.)

    I don’t even come here anymore for the information. I’m just coming here for the energetic vibration. Listening to you is like listening to good music.

    1. Hi Asha,

      I always enjoy your words of loving wisdom.

      I adore this ….

      ‘It’s like a doctor can’t really practice being a doctor without the disease to treat.’

      And then your bang on truths just keep pouring forth.

      Asha I am thrilled beyond measure that NARP http://www.melanietoniaevans.com/narp helped you shed trauma and returned you back to your rightful place with you and God.

      I truly agree with everything you wrote here dear Soul Sister.

      So much love to you

      Mel πŸ™πŸ’žπŸ’›

  13. Melanie,

    I believe that God is in all of us, we have to awake to that, I believe he has contracted in us so that we are expanded in him. Hear o Israel Elohim your God is one. Elohim is plural of the verb to be. I believe there are laws and promises. Not moral judgements but spiritual laws that fall on the just and the unjust. The scriptures are not a historical record but a psychological record of man awakening to who he is. Don’t you know that Jesus Christ is in you? That heaven is in you? These quotes tell us the mystery of life. Awake o sleeper that King David proclaims in the Psalms. We are changed from the inside out when we recognize and pursue the journey of discovery of this mystery. Looking outside of ourselves to a God in the clouds only delays our true selves from expanding. I am a NARPER because I can connect to my inner self thru the program. God uses very natural things to allow you to push forward in the Journey of knowing your true self.
    Thank you Melanie for your work, you are an example to all of us.

    1. Roger,

      I like your exegesis and really want to explore it, but isn’t “YHWH” the word for the NAME which is used in the Shema? “Elohim” replaces ‘God’ not the Name. So it is: Hear o Israel, YHWH is our Elohim. Still, I can see the interpretation you have brought to this passage and find it beautifully insightful. To be is ONE – being plural of us. I love this.

      Note also that this understanding of the Divine Nature is given to ISRAEL – those who have wrestled with the Angel of God and have prevailed. Those whose nature has been converted from Usurper to Prince of God! as was Jacob’s conversion.


    2. Thank you Roger,

      For your powerful and knowledgable post.

      I am so happy for you that you are partnering with your Inner Self and generating your True Self and incredible True Life.

      Sending you continued blessings and expansion

      Mel πŸ™πŸ’žπŸ’›

  14. Dearest Melanie,

    Thank you for all your excellent work…and a huge thanks to the team that supports you!

    I had reached the 99% level before I found your work.

    Reading your articles and doing your workshop has been clearing out the (last? hehe) remnants after I had followed a similar path.

    I have no remorse that I did most of it (with God’s help of course) on my own, no regrets or animosity for all the narc’s that I unknowingly allowed in my life…I forgive them as completely as I forgive myself.

    The childhood traumas were stuck in my subconscious. I now know where it all started.
    My ego was running my life on autopilot… masquerading itself as me.
    It is not! β€œI” am a spirit being…clear as day…

    It would be irrational to wish it happened differently for me than it did. It was my path.
    It took me 40 years of work to get where I am.

    Not only do I forgive them…I am grateful, without them I would have never transformed.

    The last 2 years were with a full blown narc…twenty years younger and absolutely β€œmodel” gorgeous…my lifelong heart’s desire…or so I thought, finally one who I desired enough to really knuckle down and get clear.

    I so wanted to get my life handled in the area of relationships and be with a gorgeous woman.
    I was inauthentic and had previously settled for women who would be with me, mostly because I was a good provider. I would then make them wrong for not being who I really wanted…many truly loved me.
    Yet at the same time they were also inauthentic…
    They settled for an immature adult male who was a good provider when their heart’s desired a real man.

    I could go on and on, story after story. We all have endless stories…I have contributed my part here today.

    I so totally agree with Mel that they are in our lives β€œfor us”

    I will say if you just found Melanie’s work, you are here because you were led here by your higher power.
    I will totally attest…Mel is the real deal…spot on advice, the β€œright and true path” just keep with it!

    All glory goes to God, with Melanie and the true thrivers as God’s servants.

    I would like to add a distinction that was enlightening for me surrounding God.

    He loves us all equally…we have all heard that time and time again, yet we wrongly thought we were the exception…if God truly loved us…he would not have allowed that thing to happen!

    So not true!

    How easily we are to forget that God also gave us all β€œfree will” all of us! God cannot go back on God’s word or promise!

    People who have been hurt, (perhaps not so unlike us who became needy for love and acceptance.)
    Unknowingly hurt others to get fulfilled, to get OUR needs met. It is a two sided coin until we get off the merry-go-round and grow up.

    Total respect, love and gratitude to you Melanie!
    May God continue to bless you and your work!

    Today is my 64th birthday…and I am free!
    I will have an amazing life…looking back, I already have!


    1. Hi James,

      I am humbled and so happy to read your post.

      I love you honesty, insight and wisdom.

      Thank you so much for being a conscious, wonderful vehicle of God shining you light.

      Thank you for your incredible post.

      I salute your loving authenticity James and may you be blessed beyond measure too.

      Mel πŸ™πŸ’žπŸ’›

    2. Hi James I love your insight and honesty about your own agenda and your deep insights as to who you were being as well as your deep understanding of human natureπŸ˜‡

  15. Hi Mel,
    I have always had a connection to a Higher Power.
    The trust was always there.
    But I also had all the childhood traumas and abuse that lead me to
    relationships with NARCs.
    Looking outside myself to other humans instead of my Higher Power
    for validation.

    But today, I am asking the question – why does this have to happen in the first place?
    Why do some of us have to have abuse in our lives that create the dysfunction in the first place?
    What can be said when someone asks, “Why did God do that to them?’ Or “Why did God allow that to happen to me?”

    I am a scientist, a ‘why?’ person, so my logical brain wants answers to put things to rest.

    My brain is conflicted at this age, 56, because I have always been taken care of by my Higher Power
    [even when I put myself in stupid or unsafe situations], but finding that my lack of self worth was something programmed into
    me as a young child from dysfunctional parents, leaves me wondering why I had to go through all this inn the first place.
    Why doesn’t God just fix all of us with these problems?
    Then there wouldn’t be abusers and those who are abused…

    1. Hi Carla,

      I completely understand your question.

      I adore what Asha wrote above …

      ‘It’s like a doctor can’t really practice being a doctor without the disease to treat.’

      As souls, wishing for expansion and evolution, this would have been impossible without the grist to call that forth from us.

      The generation of our True Life, that which is happening as a spirit soul consciousness having the experience of a physical life, is never going to be figured out logically by that part of us, the cognitive, which only has 5% power and much less (if any) true insight as to what is really going on.

      The real truth can only be met and embodied deep in our core, in our soul (which ironically is our subconscious programs from where science is now proving 95% of our life emanates from).

      I was the same Carla, before my breakdown. I put my hands up and asked ‘Why?’ Over and over again.

      It equalled how to lose … I never got the answers.

      When I finally turned within and released myself from all the traumas and false beliefs keeping me separated from myself, I just was and knew, because it is our organic already coded knowing to totally know and be the truth.

      Then you start working with the soul system of life, instead of being in resistance to it, you will start reaping the glorious benefits of finally coming home to your true emancipation that God always intended for you to generate, you yourself as well as others.

      I promise you.

      This journey starts with giving up the need to get answers before activating what it takes to get them, and instead simply doing the inner work to free your inner being of trauma.

      Everything falls into place as a result of doing that, including coming home to your total true relationship with yourself, God, life and others.

      NARP humbly http://www.melanietoniaevans.com/narp produces those results.

      Much love to you

      Mel πŸ™πŸ’žπŸ’›

  16. Hi Melanie,

    Thank you for this article. I left a comment the other day about struggling with finding it in me to believe in energy shifts enough to do it. Well I did it, and the peace and relief that came after it blew me away. Night time is usually rough for me, that’s when the painful, obsessive thoughts really ramp up. I shifted out a specific painful memory, and by night time I couldn’t access it when I tried to conjure it up. There was only peace. When I shifted it, I was shocked at what I saw. I bought your program years ago, and at the time was in such massive, sobbing critical pain I was wailing and couldn’t focus on anything during the shifts. There was no focused information about the trauma, no image either. This time was different. When you asked me to drop into my body to locate the trauma, I saw vividly myself standing in the setting of where this painful memory occurred and saw floating in front of me this huge, red intestine looking snake. I could hear your voice guiding me on what to do next but all I could think was what the heck is that?? I was stunned since as I said the last time I shifted anything years ago there was no specific image. I have no idea where this image came from, but it shocked me, and once I shifted it out (it was a big one, took 4 shifts), it disappeared. The real reason I stopped doing your shifts since my first one years ago is because I convinced myself it wasn’t β€œChristian” and became afraid. But honestly it’s only brought me peace and massive immediate relief. And after all, at one point scientists were murdered because religious authorities believed studying the human body, creating medicine and doing surgeries were evil and blasphemous…yet today most Christians don’t think Tylenol and surgeries are evil or the work of the devil…I’m seeing a parallel here to energy shifting. Could energy shifting actually be a gift from God? I’m starting to believe it… Thank you for helping me reconcile my relationship with God and myself through my painful experiences with narcissists. I’m looking forward to continuing to address my trauma and wounds.

    1. Hi Hannah,

      I am so happy for you that you lent inwards to claim and shift out that trauma with NARP http://www.melanietoniaevans.com/narp

      Thats wonderful you got information, yet please know just feeling and being with the dense energy in your body is enough, even without information, for the NARP Healing Modules to free you from it.

      I love what you have written about the expanding consciousness of religion, which can benefit from an update and acceptance of new information today, just as it has in the past.

      I believe everything that leads to freedom, joy, beauty, truth and love comes directly from God … including energy healing.

      So much love to you

      Mel πŸ™πŸ’žπŸ’›

  17. Thanks for your reply, Mel. I was going to reply to the thread above, but there was no reply button. LOL.
    Your answer helps.
    I guess what worries me is not knowing when someone who is narcissistic will just continue to behave selfishly and when they have the capacity to take it to horrendous levels. We are seeing this so much more in the media of parents or partners just killing which ever family member is “in their way.” And prior to this they seemed “normal” ish. Some kill their own children. It’s just so hard to wrap my head around. And with people who engage in mass shootings which seems to be an every week event lately. It makes sense to me what you say about their personality taking over and causing a separation from humanity. And the fact that so many of them just look calm and stare into space after having done something so awful. There was a story recently about a man who had killed some people and from the outside appeared to be a sociopath, but then the back story of his life came out, how he had been a sensitive child, beaten by his father, shamed for being gay, and eventually he just took on this tough, defensive, angry personality.
    Oh well, sorry for going off-topic, but when Iris mentioned Judas and his role and destiny it just got me thinking.

    1. Hi DMJ,

      When you Go Quantum and start to realise that all of life in your experience is showing up aligned with your inner beliefs and composition…

      Then wouldnt it serve you to target with QFH in NARP those terrible thoughts and questions … release them and bring Source in to replace them?

      That’s what I did with all my shattereed beliefs about humanity. Because then rather than be mired down in the vibration of those atrocities, adding emotionally to the problem, I could be Source-filled to do my part with generating the solution.

      Plus it just feels 1 million percent better.

      I dont watch the news DMJ … and I dont leave trauma belief systems in my body that feel horrible.

      Imagine our world if everybody did turn inwards to release that.

      Look at our world as a result of people not doing that.

      Your power does not lie in trying logically to grasp anything … it lies in becoming and living the change you wish for humanity.

      Mel πŸ™πŸ’žπŸ’›

      1. True.
        I was watching, um…. what is his name… Rob, I can’t remember his last name. He is a healer that uses divine love to help heal people and he was part of the Hay House Healing Summit last year… anyhow, I was listening to him talk about illness and how our terrible thoughts and judgements and shoulds about ourselves create dense energy in our bodies which in turn creates pain and illness. So he uses a practice very similar to QFH and gets people to release their “stuff.” There are days when I feel energized and excited about life and then days when I watch these bad news stories… ugh.
        I should avoid watching these stories. You are correct, they don’t make me feel any better, in fact they just make me want to close up. Getting hung up on the “wrongness” of things doesn’t help anyone.

  18. Thank you for your lovely description of your faith journey. I have found that God is my ground of being even in the irradiational world of partnering with Narcs. I did wonder what to do when the inevidable horror started. Your gift to me was in form of a blogg when you asked the reader to look into the child we are and identify something that allowed me to let myself think that this kind of life was a viable partnership. The child event I was aware of but not to scope of its affect in my life history choices and options. I revisit that child once in awhile and say you are loved. It has given me an amazing blanket of peace.

  19. Hi my name is Luke and I am about to start this program. I have gone through NARC abuse my whole life up until now. I am 24 and pursuing a career in dentistry and don’t want these issues to get in the way with my career and relationships. Does anyone have any advice for me?

    1. Hi Luke,

      This is so wonderful that at your age that you are willing to work on your inner being!

      Wow … so inspiring. Your life is going to be amazing!

      Luke truly all you need to do is follow the step by step instructions in NARP http://www.melanietoniaevans.com/narp and come into the NARP members forum for support and questions if necessary http://www.melanietoniaevans.com/member and you are on the fastest most direct track to your breakthroughs into your true and expanded self.

      Many blessings to you

      Mel πŸ™πŸ’žπŸ’›

  20. Hi Mel,
    I’m an admirer of your work but when I’ve done the NARP modules, I never felt connected to statements about higher power/source/life/all that is.
    No matter what, can’t connect to that. I don’t understand it and I don’t feel it.
    But I don’t know if I need to, since I find your program effective regardless. Your program is a way of life. Yet, I wonder if it would have been even more effective if I was able to feel a higher power in my life but again I don’t…..
    Looking forward to your response whether there is something I can do here or should do here.
    Much love πŸ’•

    1. Hi Jane,

      Thsts great that NARP http://www.melanietoniaevans.com/narp has granted you so much relief anyway! There is a whole other level of blessings and breakthroughs that I truly believe come as a result of bring Source-filled.

      If you do want to take it to this next level my recommendation is to connect in to the NARP members forum for guidance regarding how to achieve this http://www.melanietoniaevans.com/member

      Much love to you

      Mel πŸ™πŸ’žπŸ’›

  21. Melanie, what you are doing is nothing short of amazing! I love watching this movement flourish and spread all over the world. Its just what the world needed. And this video is such a good one! I too left a 31-year narcissistic relationship and healed myself. And doing that came from the inside, not the outside. I was so worried of how leaving the narc would affect my children, but I knew that being healthy myself would get us to the finish line. And I am proud to say we are now at the finish line and my kids love me more than ever, I am healthy and strong and honestly look at the world in a different way now. As a result of this, all good things are coming my way. It is so much nicer to live on the sunny side of the street and embrace all the good things in life, knowing that my Inner Being/Source Energy is guiding me every step of the way. The mind is a very powerful thing and Law of Attraction is always at work. We all need to change our stories to that which we want it to be, no longer being the victim to an abusive relationship but being Thrivers! I love that word! πŸ™‚ Love to everyone in this community.

    1. Hi Lori

      Thank you lovely lady for your beautiful words.

      Lori it is so true, unless we are willing to give up our victim stories and truly use this as a blessed opportunity to heal … nothing will change. Not for us, or our children, or their future generations.

      Thank you for being a loving inspiration for yourself, your children and our world.

      So much love to you

      Mel πŸ™πŸ’žπŸ’›

  22. Hi I have had lots of experiences with the supernatural realm. One time I sat on my bed and I asked my guardian angel to show me a sign that it and all of the hierarchies of all of God’s heavenly angels do exist and that it is protecting and defending me and looking after and taking care of me either later on on the same day or on the next day I walked into the kitchen where my mum was and when she opened the freezer door a small white feather came floating out of it. Many years later I told someone about this and months after telling them that they came by to see me and they gave me a massive long white swan feather and they told me that when they were walking through a local nature reserve park they were thinking about me telling them about the white feather my guardian angel gave to me and they said as they were thinking about this a massive long white dove feather was on the foot path that they were walking on and they came by to give me that feather. Another time I asked my biological older sister to give me a nephew and a few years later she had a son and he is still a child. I have had many experiences with the supernatural realm too many for me to put down on here. I am 1 of the 144,000. 1 of 12,000 people of 1 of the 12 tribes of Israel as written in the holy bible. I have a healing ability in my hands, I have intuition and gut instinct, a white aura, a strong, powerful and bright light inside me I am a light of the world through Jesus Christ. I have gifts and talents. I feel that I don’t belong here on planet earth, I feel that my real home is up in the kingdom of Heaven where God is that’s where I belong, I have lots and lots of charisma and charm. There’s so much that I really want to say in this comments section of this blog article but it will take all of eternity for me to say everything. I am a targeted individual a T.I now an empowered individual a E.I in spiritual and government gangstalking programs which my freemasonic family put me into without my knowledge since my parents conceived me in my mother’s womb. I am 34 years old. The freemasons are 1 of the world’s secret societies and there are very many famous worldly known celebrities including hollywood a list people who are freemasons and they worship Satan the Devil/Lucifer the Fallen Angel. My family are also Roman Catholics. I became a born-again christian in 2014 when I turned 30 years old in that same year. My blood-related maternal
    great-grandfather was a freemason and also the Lord Mayor of Manchester in northern U.K and I have many connections to a world famous family through my own blood-related members of my own family. I think that I might have the same ancestors to some really famous celebrities and people too. Sometimes I think I know too much lol!!!

  23. Trauma is separation from self, others, and a higher power. Narcissistic abuse fundamentally undermines those connections. I lost my connection to a higher power in my youth when contradictions and lies made it apparent that I would need to deny my inner knowing to continue to believe. After listening to your blog on reconnecting to your higher power, I am realizing how fundamentally my lack of faith undercut my relationship to myself and others, and made me vulnerable to narcissistic abuse.

    I have learned so much from your blogs, book, and free resources and have been following your work for many years. Your explanations of how you see God are enlightening. I would love to work on reconnecting to that higher power myself. Besides the NARP inner healing work, do you have any suggestions on how to foster this? How do you nurture your own faith?

    Thank you for your continued work and sharing of often profound understandings.

    With love and gratitude,

    1. Hi Kathy,

      I’m so pleased my material has helped you.

      Regarding the inner work I personally have never found anything as effective as Quanta Freedom Healing (NARP).

      You may need to do research on a subconscious reprogramming tool that lights up for you, if you dont want to do NARP work.

      Also keep in mind that NARP has specific shifts and even Modules designed to directly heal your relationship with your Higher Power.


      Other tools that have the power to reprogram these deeply entrenched beliefs may not directly take you there.

      I hope this explains

      Mel πŸ™πŸ’žπŸ’›

  24. Melanie,

    Thank you so much for being open with me/us to share your recovery and spiritual freedom and continued success.

    Truly it was a miracle that your ad popped up on my phone screen.

    I want to thank you so much for the repeat advertising to get going with your lessons! It has been months since I saw the first one. I was so stressed and I saw the ad again and signed up for the lessons again this time ready to commit to finishing. I have spent practically all day Saturday and Sunday in the bed reading the video texts because sometimes I do not hear the words correctly over the videos. So, I read the script! It has been so valuable!

    Today, I reconnected to God/Source for my healing and well being. I feel better. I know this is only the beginning and I thank you so much for the repeat advertising saying β€œWe need to have this talk”. Because we sure did! Oh, how I thank you! And all the commenters too! I am sure I am on the right track that will help me fully recover from my internal wounds! I seek to purchase your full program just as soon as possible.

    Thank you again Melanie!

  25. Dearest Melanie, what a beautiful episode! I agree 100%, that’s IS what a Higher Power just is!
    As you know I went through religious and spiritual abuse and I must admit that in my healing sessions with NARP I often still struggle with connecting and feeling the Light, mostly the feelings of unworthiness, that I am β€˜bad’ and a β€˜mistake’ (amazing just how deeply ingrained these are), even now the word β€˜God’ triggers a sense of nausea and anger in me. Whilst I am connected with my Spirit Guides and Angels (which is ironic as I can never visualise them helping my inner child during the Modules, it’s like a block of fear or feeling of worthlessness), I still feel disconnected from the Source, and I only see it as Source/Source Energy. The term β€˜God’ fills me with dread. And being a Narper I am fully aware that these are traumas and not just from this lifetime, and my ego is kicking and screaming not wanting to let these go. I wanted to ask for some suggestions for how to word the intention/goal for Module 1 and SH&R for the most effective access to get the resistance to come down…. I also have a block on creating these intentions/goals into words as the feeling of β€˜not good enough’ seems to block it? The indoctrination and conditioning of these have run deeply in me for as long as I remember and I would love to connect more to my Higher Power to fully know I am loved by IT. Thank you x

    1. Hi Ieva,

      I’m so pleased that you enjoyed this hun!

      Okay … all you need to do sweetheart is target the trauma generating your disconnection with Source. Use either Module 1 or the sH and R for this. If you then get resistance target the traumas creating that resistance and keep clearing and clearing.

      You will breakthrough, truly!

      And … I promise you that you won’t know yourself on the other side of this.

      Soo much love to you

      Mel πŸ™πŸ’•πŸ’›

  26. Hi Melanie- Thank you for this video!! I struggle with knowing what my higher power is. I grew up Christian yet my parents were moderate about religion. As I approached my early 30s I questioned the Bible and really all religions. I feel there is So much bad in them (i.e. Israel and Palestinian conflict, Catholics vs Protestants/ Ireland conflict.. etc etc.). I do believe there is a higher power I just can’t find mine. Anyway your video was very helpful but I get tripped up with if God is kind and all powerful why did he create survival of the fittest (Lions eating Zebra, Shark eating fish etc)? This is not kind… I mean would anyone want their 4 year old watching animals kill each other!!! I’m an imperfect vegan and animal rescuer. I understand our abusive factory farms all over the world are caused by man not higher power/God. Or for example why do people thank God that their life was spared in a hurricane when it was God who created the hurricane? I don’t really expect you to have the answers but just trying to find a way to trust in a higher power with the above in mind. I know I need to give over this hump in order to heal. I also realize this is kinda out there for most so hope it makes sense.

  27. Hi Melanie- Thank you for your reply. I’m actually a NARP member and found this blog on that site as I was seeking assistance with my difficulty finding my higher power. I have done some of the models and understand what you mean by experience rather then think. But I don’t have the higher power part which is preventing me moving forward in the modules.
    Regardless ..thank you for all that you do!

  28. Thank you Melanie. Yes I’m a gold member and have gone to the forum with challenges using the modules. Not this question specifically …but will do so.

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