NEW! I Got Past Depression, Anxiety And Exhaustion Plus Succeeded In Winning A Fair Divorce Settlement By Using Specific NARP Modules

Katie picture
Name: Katie
Location: USA

    My Thriver Story

Although I suspected I was dealing with one narcissist – my boss, it wasn’t until I started NARP that I realized that I actually had three of them in my life, including my spouse and a parent.

Melanie appeared as the right teacher at the right time in my life, and I don’t know how I would have gotten through this challenging period without NARP.

A year before I had hit my bottom. Although I had already left my spouse, I was depressed, more anxious, physically and emotionally exhausted.

I just wanted it all to stop, and I did not want to go on any longer. My support network helped me enough to not harm myself, but the depression and anxiety continued.

As soon as I started NARP, I felt the positive impacts almost immediately.

I struggled the most with the eBook on Forgiveness. I felt challenged to forgive the people who had hurt me in the past.

Self-forgiveness had the biggest impact on my healing. Every time I feel triggered I say, “I honor and bless this feeling, and as soon as I can I will shift, release and heal this trauma.”

As my divorce became ever more contentious and the other party tried to bully me ever harder, I relied heavily on the Module 8 healing: Release and Heal the Fear of the Narcissist and Whatever He or She May Do Next.

Before every hearing and whenever a divorce issue came up, I did multiple shifts from that Module. I developed such a sense of calm, knowing that I could stand up to any difficulty, that by the trial, I had no fear of what would happen. At that point, the other party suddenly decided to negotiate, and I won a fair, reasonable settlement.

After 18 months with NARP (and now moving through the Empowered Self Course), my life looks and feels completely different. I have moved to a lovely new home, found fulfilling work, and am pursuing some lifelong dreams. I am physically and emotionally fit and getting stronger every day. I am self-partnered, living authentically, and enjoying my Thriving life.

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