How I Overcame My Resistance To Heal And How I Am Now Healing Myself And My Precious Daughter

Rachel T picture
Name: Rachel T
Location: UK

    My Thriver Story

I came to discover that a narcissist I was intimately involved with in 2005, along with experiences with a succession of friends, bosses and work associates, all narcissists, had all come to guide me deep into my inner being that was crying out to be healed.

I have been led all the way back to my family of origin and beyond to discover a family pattern deeply ingrained in my ancestry. In this life, the ultimate narcissists were my mother (covert narc) and father (somatic narc).

I was abused on every level and every day in the relationship with my ex. Love bombed, fell pregnant very quickly with our daughter and then the abuse started.

He didn’t care for our daughter properly, and she suffered terribly. He used her as a weapon against me. She has suffered with anxiety and depression since.

My initial breakdown occurred after my relationship with the narc boyfriend ended in December 2012. I’d reached my “enough” moment.

I was severely depleted, I was desperately seeking something to make me feel safe. I had to leave my home, it was difficult to work and be a single parent to our daughter and my two other children. They were very dark days and I thought I was going to die.

Melanie’s work saved my life. Yet, the narc took me to court and I had a terrible experience with no one believing he was harming our child. He was awarded joint residence of our daughter.

NARP had sat in my PC for years. I had a tremendous resistance to starting it. In 2019 I accepted I had to do the work, or die.

I finally started NARP. It was like an avalanche thereafter, so much came up and I was wracked with grief for my lost childhood.

My life has changed beyond measure since doing the work with NARP. The ex boyfriend was found to be mistreating our daughter and he can no longer see her.

As I recover, I can see the transformation in her. The anxiety and depression is starting to lift and our relationship gets closer and more loving every day. My parents no longer trigger me as I’ve healed my inner child in relation to them.

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