These are powerful testimonials of people who have reclaimed their hearts and rebuilt their lives from the devastating effects of narcissistic abuse. These inspiring journeys are proof of the resilience and healing that is possible with the right support and tools.
May these stories be a beacon of hope, showing that Thriving after narcissistic abuse is not just possible, but probable when you focus on healing from the inside out!
"Before finding Melanie’s NARP program I was in a narcissistic 22-year marriage. I had tried to get out many times, but I just couldn’t. I was stuck and trauma-bonded.
After 4-5 weeks of working the NARP program, things turned around in a major way. I got him out of the home with an order of protection and filed for divorce. I won all the court cases and full settlement and the kids are with me. I followed the teachings of Melanie and the others Thrivers who have also achieved such big wins. It all happened as a result of releasing and reprogramming my inner trauma, and walking “a straight line” just as Melanie said it would.
I went from pain, heartbreak and physical breakdown to freedom, growth, love, joy, peace of mind, fulfilment, acceptance, laughter, play and soooo much more. NARP is a LIFE SAVER. I thank God for leading me to this program. I am travelling, living in abundance, continuing to evolve and love BEING alive. I am so grateful I invested in myself. Everyone suffering abuse needs to do NARP. I’ll never stop bragging about it. "
"When my marriage finally ended in May 2022 I had no idea about Narcissistic abuse, in fact I didn’t even know what a Narcissist or NPD was and I had no way of explaining what had happened to me – other than that I was completely broken, traumatised, ill, I couldn’t sleep and I knew something was seriously ‘wrong’. I had already been in therapy for 2 years thinking I was the problem ( of course!) and in endless ( thankless, of course!) couples counselling. So much time and money and yet none of these even began to ask the right questions or reveal the true situation. I was lost and had been left no better or wiser after 2 years of searching whilst still inside my marriage.
Thankfully a throwaway remark from a friend led me to research narcissism and within a month I had found ( thank you, Universe!) wonderful Melanie – firstly devouring her teaching on what is a narcissist ( the best explanations out there) before signing up to her brilliant NARP program at the end of June 2022.
Just 7 months later - and I can honestly say my life is totally different and, most of the time, I feel happy and whole again. When I don’t, I have the NARP program and it always helps. I am so familiar with Melanie’s voice she is like a best friend! In many ways I feel healthier and more healed than I have EVER felt – I have not only healed the trauma created by my ex-husband, but I have healed the trauma that had allowed me to be there in such a toxic relationship to begin with. Now I am starting a new journey towards upgrading the whole of my life and energy to an entirely new realm – all thanks to Melanie and the NARP program, her wonderful community and ongoing teaching in QFH.
What is brilliant about NARP is that, yes, the first few weeks are tough because you are healing the worst of the traumas, but the material is so compassionate and so practical and so effective…you are held as you heal. I was amazed at how certain things just melted away to manageable or even went entirely, even in the first few weeks. Also, its available online at any time. I regularly use it when I wake up in the night (even now, occasionally) , for example, but any time you are feeling low you can reach for it and it will lift you up and reduce the pain. It’s amazing but I don’t think I have tackled the same exact issue twice either! One really gets a sense of progress from day 1.
Melanie’s teachings have totally changed the way I think about so many things, but especially about myself, and in such a positive way. I am beyond grateful for such an incredible , powerful and effective resource at such a terrible and low point in my life and for the opportunity to heal to a different and, ultimately, much better level of health as a result. I have just enjoyed a brilliant trip of a lifetime, travelling to Oman and Socotra, and experienced a sense of real joy and freedom ( and some very loving camels!) . Thank you so very much Mel, you are a genius."
"I found Melanie and NARP a year and a half after I was discarded by my ex-husband. I had extreme anxiety, no knowing how to set myself free from him. Conventional therapy and talking with family and friends provided no relief. I didn’t want to continue “living” and didn’t want to go on.
I started the NARP healings right away, desperately needing relief. My body reacted so well that after just 2 weeks the anxiety and devastating pain were gone!
Today, a bit over 2 years after starting NARP, I have established strong boundaries, I’m no longer afraid of the narcissist and I and my children have a much calmer life. Melanie and NARP were my salvation, and still are. Now I can’t imagine life any other way."
"For 40 years of life, despite my achievements, I was a walking neon sign for toxic people. After many failed relationships, I felt confused, sad, defective, abused, victimized and ignored. After leaving a 6-year narcissistic marriage I was in shock. Two weeks later I found NARP and Melanie.
he NARP program has been miraculous. With each healing, my body began to calm down and my blood pressure started to normalize. My mind reset to a clarity and consciousness I had not seen in many years.
The NARP healings, resources and community are priceless. I am beyond grateful to Melanie and the NARP team for providing such a life-changing and self-healing tool. It is truly amazing!
Thank you, with so much love."
"I had been loving others at my own expense for years, despite years of self-help and therapy trying to create my own healthier relationship patterns and boundaries. The worst narcissist of all was my crashing point.
With NARP I went from handing my love and resources away for approval to now living an empowered, enriched and authentic life on my own terms, that also works beautifully in relationship with healthy others. The pain has gone, the anxiety is finished. I am free.
NARP is the only healing program / system that has ever granted me real healing results. I honestly concede that the life I live now, compared to one I did, is a miracle! Thank you, Melanie Tonia Evans, for the gift of NARP – it has completely changed my life."
"As a result of narcissistic abuse, I was having seizures daily, couldn’t sleep or eat, my adrenals were failing and I didn’t want to live anymore. I’d tried therapy, tapping, somatic experiencing, hypnosis, EMDR and inner child work, but I wasn’t healing.
With nothing to lose, I tried NARP and the relief from the first module was immense. Within a few weeks, I could sleep and had moments of peace and hope. This accelerated quickly, leading to standing in my power against the narcissist. I won full custody and decision-making of my children, ending years of expensive litigation.
I am now healthy, strong and younger looking then even before the narcissist. The fear, pain, and confusion have melted away. I feel free, radiant, and filled with love, joy, and expansion that far surpass anything I ever imagined for myself. I believe there is no other program like NARP on earth."
"Have you ever watched one of those goofy movies where the opening scene shows the main character in a chaotic moment and the picture freezes, and you hear a needle scratch across a record? Then the main character’s voice says, “Yep, that was me”.
Well. Yep, that was me, June 20, 2021. But I digress, let’s go to the beginning.
I met my ex online in 2009. It was a long distance relationship. I thought I was doing the right thing by waiting a couple of years and dating before quitting my job and moving.
Once I moved, it was instantaneously clear that something was wrong. The words I have learned through NARP – triangulation, devalued, silent treatment, lying by omission, excuses using word salad and just being ignored, all apply. In 2017, I spent $100k in credit cards to put this person through a real estate investor school. Once the seminars were over and the effort and work had to begin, the ex had every excuse not to do it.
None of this would have mattered if we had a loving, emotionally bonded relationship. Instead, I felt abandoned and responsible for everything and that they were just along for the ride. That I should be ecstatic to be in the presence of the wonderfulness of them.
I left in 2019 and restarted my life back home. Then the love bombing started, yet, again, I didn’t know. I thought I might get out of debt. Yes, the ex followed me.
2020 happened and the world stopped. I volunteered to be a Covid Nurse. This was the narc’s excuse to move to the guest room. Yet they had no problem eating the food that I would go to the store to get and cook. They would only come out of the bedroom when I started cooking. Would only speak to me if I went to their room.
Finally in March of 2021, I started seeing Melanie’s videos on FB. I was speechless that there was a NAME for this kind of behavior. I was so, so ready for this person to be out of my life. I did everything Melanie said. I started with “gray rock”. I didn’t react to anything. We didn’t speak for a week.
They told me they were going to see their family for two weeks and I very calmly said, “you need to stay there”.
They were gone in June. I went no contact. I deleted and blocked their phone number. I was reading all of Melanie’s blogs and watching the videos, so I was ready for the smear campaign. And boy did it come! The narcissist had detached me from their family years ago, so I really didn’t care what the flying monkeys had to say.
I noticed the first wave of relief was not sustaining and I was having anger issues. The foggy brain wasn’t clearing up, and I wasn’t doing well at work. I didn’t understand why I wasn’t feeling joy, freedom and happiness, just anger and frustration.
On July 21, 2021, I joined NARP, because “there was nothing else to do”.
My mind was an absolute puddle. I was second guessing myself on everything.
I dove into NARP with full on Trust. I didn’t understand what I was doing, but I Trusted. I felt I was in a life-or-death fight.
At first, it would take me the second healing before my mind would calm down enough to get out of the way. I have embraced the NARP program. I was so nervous all the time, stomach in knots, worried about bills … this has subsided immensely.
Within weeks I was offered a retainer bonus at work and received a pay raise. I also lost 40lbs of stress cortisol weight.
I had a setback in September, over the Labor Day Holiday. I was working with Covid patients and had hard chills, temp was 103F. I tested negative for Covid. I could not get out of bed. I was tested for the flu, also negative. Lab work was normal. It hit me so hard, it had to be WETIKO, their power was being taken away. It was Quanta Freedom Healing night and day.
In October, I went on a holiday to Florida BY MYSELF, for the first time ever. THAT was what I needed.
It has now been five months since joining NARP. I am amazed at my transition and transformation.
The single greatest thing the Modules did for me was put a mirror up to myself. After the initial shock and focusing on letting go of the narcissist and all that entailed, I have been able to incorporate the Modules to other aspects in my life.
NARP has provided me with resources to be accountable for ME. I am responsible for ME. There is a Module for letting go of guilt and while I am not guilty for what happened, I am responsible – I was there.
To my fellow Thrivers, you must Trust. There is more to this. Our collective abuse has sent us to this place and point in time. We are sensitive, empathic, survivors. This is our Close Encounters of the Third Kind but instead of a mountain, it was Narcissistic abuse that has brought us together. We are getting stronger with each other, and with strength we CAN make a difference."
"I had grown up with mental and physical abuse in my birth family. My dad let us know that he’d never wanted children.
As if that wasn’t bad enough my lovely mum joined a cult style religion. It didn’t celebrate birthdays or holidays and terrified me as a child with talk of “satan”. This developed neurotic fears in me and stopped me sleeping at night. These things isolated me from happy relationships.
Unsurprisingly, I went on to be drawn to abusive men. I fell for a horrible boy at school, lived with a man who kicked me unconscious, needing my face to be re-built on one side.
I went on to marry a man who abused me for almost 30 years and nearly destroyed me to my very Soul. He would goad me for hours and when I eventually snapped and retaliated he would tell the police I’d assaulted him and get me put in a police cell.
I was once locked up for the whole night and was so low I looked for something to slit my wrists on but there was nothing (thank heavens). I could talk endlessly about the cruelty and spite he inflicted on me and our sons.
He had a 10 year affair with my only “friend” while still married to me. He drained every penny from our joint account leaving me and our son facing destitution and homelessness.
Melanie’s wonderful blogs became a total life-line to me as a spiritually drowning woman. Mel was a Godsend. I gained confidence through this and went on a computer dating site where after a year I met my new husband.
We are true Soul Mates and have been together 7 years and happily married for 5 years. We were both 60 when we met so love and a new life can happen when you are older.
I joined NARP because I still had nightmares and obsessive thinking about my previous narcissistic abuse. I found it of great comfort and it has reduced the obsessive thoughts and nightmares greatly.
Without Melanie’s help I don’t think I could have survived let alone turned my life around. I feel successful now because I feel happy.
Thank you Mel for years of loving support. My love goes out to all sufferers of narcissistic abuse – don’t give up."
"Before NARP I had figured out that I was in an emotionally abusive marriage, but felt trapped and unable to break away, I had tried several times, but each time felt wretched and guilty and had returned to an ever worsening situation.
I had tried counselling, shamanic healing, yoga and kinesiology to get the strength to break away, I joined NARP and began to do the healings. The forum was an amazing support, I got help there really quickly and the encouragement I needed to continue on with the healings. It took over a year for me to heal to a point where I left, but the marriage had been 30 years long so there was a lot to heal.
My life now is calm and happy, the constant feeling of pressure is gone. I feel proud of myself that I broke away and was able to take care of myself. Overcoming this challenge makes me realise how amazing I actually can be.
Thanks Mel"
"This time last year I felt, “alone and lost in the dark”. This was before I even knew about NARP. I had lived in fear and pain for most of my life.
I had amazing parents but with narcissistic boyfriends and my ex husband who was abusive for 8 years, it amounted to me being in a lot of suffering.
Today, I am my own provider in every regard and I am leading the way for my son. This is what NARP has done for me.
met my ex at a vulnerable time. He was older so I thought he might “look after me”.
There were the odd red flags. My intuition was screaming out to me, “get out”. I thought I could pour love on him but you cannot fix them.
My doctor diagnosed me with depression. Then my father passed away, leaving my ex in full control, as he thought.
One day he was physically abusive and he had no apology or remorse, but excuses, especially that he was “only joking”. I met with the local Domestic Abuse Team and I opened up to my mum. They told me to make a safe exit plan and go.
My ex was so shocked when he found I had gone. He texted me, “Is this a joke?” – so I guess I was the one that had the last laugh!
That’s when I found Mel! With NARP I can release all the trauma out of inside me, to set myself free.
NARP helps me connect to myself and a higher Source that loves me, nourishes me and protects and guides me infinitely.
The miraculous thing that happens is the more we heal, the easier healing becomes and you can go through life, rather than life happening to you. Good results miraculously start showing up for you as well.
Now I have re-built my business, even after the ex tried to destroy it.
The healings don’t just heal one wound, they heal many, that’s the miracle of them. So life is coming through more and more in abundance. I am not lost and alone and in the dark anymore and never will be again.
Be at one with the Light and Stars, like me."
"I’ve experienced narcissistic abuse my entire life from a parent, other family members, partners, employers and coworkers. Resulting in adrenal failure, constant anxiety, suffering from PTSD, codependency, a strong fight and flight pattern and repetitive narcissistic addictive condition compulsive disorder.
Controlled money, fear, confusion and pathological lying from partners in life and legal battles managed me. At times, I just screamed in pain from distraught and confusing realities. The family I love, and myself, have been left generational paths of victimization because of these destructive behaviours, created out of survival programming and from receiving abusive treatment by others.
Professional counselling with psychiatrists, psychologists, and hypnotists didn’t provide the relief or results I’ve desired. I’ve also tried various modalities in the healing community outside of traditional medical help but not gaining the insights and longevity of permanency I am experiencing with Melanie and NARP.
I kept falling back into old patterns and relationships of harsher circumstances and losing material possessions, losing a roof over my head and suffering great financial loss. Currently, I find myself in the same place once again, experiencing financial loss and the security of a home in order to rescue my mind and Soul but this time I have the solution in hand, NARP.
I had no reservations in enrolling in the NARP program. I recognized through Melanie‘s Facebook posts and watching Thriver TV that I was in a narcissistic abusive relationship; the most challenging relationship I’ve experienced so far.
Factual videos from Melanie implied, “if I wanted to learn the Quantum truth as to why I was experiencing another narcissist in my life and that Melanie held the keys to my true recovery,” I needed to experience NARP.
Plus, in other videos, Melanie indicated it is a hidden Soul blessing that this narcissistic individual entered my life as it was disguised as a blessing and opportunity for my recovery – this completely sparked my curiosity.
Melanie and her team, through my daily Facebook feed, became my lifeline. It was as though God was preparing me in advance, letting me know that He and the Universe safely held my future if I chose to trust the “insights” with NARP.
When working with NARP, the awareness of what I’ve held onto inside my subconscious and not kind self-talk became heartbreakingly apparent. With the NARP tools I began to receive instant answers, realizations plus visions of all the unforgiveness I thought I had processed as forgiveness.
I now can see and feel the forgiveness of others and myself completely taking place. I am now receiving the inside healing, and progressively retaining the understanding I desperately desired.
The fear wrapped around using the word “NO” and the potential reactionary behaviour of others, if I chose to use that word, would produce paralyzing results in me not using my voice and my inability to set appropriate boundaries. My value system was constantly being compromised and my outer world didn’t produce the truth of who I really am.
I’m currently affording myself NARP teachings in my recovery. The spiritual Soul recovery is also for and on behalf of my mother who passed on. She encouraged me to continue with my spiritual studies prior to her passing, but I was not prepared for anything like I am receiving so positively with NARP.
She was not able to get away from her narcissistic relationship and passed regretting her sacrifices of self and felt she had wasted her life, never truly living her own life. This woman was precious, gentle, kind, loving, giving, intelligent, creative and an empath like myself.
Changes only started happening for me after going complete No Contact with the narcissist in my life. So yes, we are responsible for implementing the teachings of NARP or the results won’t manifest. This work is a daily-dedicated commitment that individuals get to gift themselves because of the way NARP and the THRIVE Membership programs are presented and set up for easy and repetitive use.
I encourage anyone who seeks a safe precious place, to go within to heal your unhealed traumas because you and I are more than worth it.
I continue to use NARP while I advance in the THRIVE. Choosing truth, wholeness and Quantum healing tools are leading the pathway to my future and creating the best possible vibrant, vivacious, loving version of myself.
I know you will experience and feel the same should you choose NARP as the true life-changing journey it is proving to be."
"There is nothing wrong with me and it is not my fault … ahhh, but it is my fault and there is something wrong with me. That is what the narcissist has convinced me of over the 4 decades of abuse.
I was not myself whenever I came into contact with my sibling and her accomplice husband.
Her behaviour escalated until the final betrayal around 5 years ago.
We had agreed that our 86 year old mum, who suffers from dementia, would come live with me in England.
I was flying back to LA to collect her and the night before I got an email informing me that she had put mum in a dementia unit and that the move to England was off.
I flew to LA and saw how mum only needed love and attention. I told her she could come and live with me in England. She was delighted.
I called the care home once we were safe and sound in the UK.
My sister then reported me for kidnapping and elder abuse.
She withheld all funding for mum’s care, sold mum’s house and pocketed the $800,000.
Finding Melanie was the best thing that ever happened to me. She shared the specific steps with the spiritual component being the foundation of the NARP work.
I knew I wanted inner peace and freedom.
I also wanted to make my sister pay for what she did. I was fearful and angry. This is what kept me stuck in the trauma.
Considering that this has been an on again/off again process for more than four decades, it is remarkable that my first course with Melanie was less than a year ago.
Yes, it takes work. Yes, it takes commitment and the release of positions that we do not want to relinquish. But Mel’s NARP system, quite simply, produces results. I never actually believed that I could completely get past the pain and trauma. I thought I might reduce the pain; learn to live with it. Now I am actually moving into a post-narcissistic trauma world. It is a bit of a miracle.
It is empowering to be my own Source; to take unwavering responsibility for myself and the condition of my life.
It is now the dawn of my new life."
"To me, my upbringing appeared normal, healthy and happy. But growing up I experienced abusive boyfriends and toxic friendships so much that I was actually put off by kind, healthy people.
In my last long relationship I finally discovered the truth about some of my past and existing relationships for what they were – abusive and unhealthy.
When I met my ex husband I thought he was the love of my life, I was swept away and he appeared to have all that I desired. Through our relationship I ignored my gut feelings leading up to the day I was about to give birth to my son, and then my life changed.
I started to feel very unsafe and his behaviour got worse. I wanted to leave but stayed. Then my worst nightmare happened. My ex husband went against my wishes and I did the one thing that went against everything I believed and valued – I got an abortion. At the time I felt I would have stayed if I didn’t. From that day I made a promise to myself that I would never let anyone treat me this way again and I left.
I sought support from psychologists and counsellors, they helped me to see what I was going through and what domestic violence is. Understanding what a narcissist is was scary yet helpful, but I didn’t understand why it was happening and my intense feelings of anxiety remained very high.
When I left my abusive relationship I fled to my parents house and one night I remember talking to my family and realising that I had to go to court. I couldn’t cope with the thought, I had an intense fear that my son would be taken away from me because my ex husband convinced me he was.
I felt my brain was going to snap and unravel in all different directions. I raced to buy cigarettes for some reason, I wasn’t smoking at the time and rang my closest friends one at a time to try and remove this feeling but the feeling didn’t go. Nothing helped, the cigarettes, alcohol, people … in that fragile moment I knew it was up to me, only me, to do this.
I didn’t fully understand what needed to be done to help myself until I started working with NARP.
I had a lot of trauma, I was overwhelmed, and I was having so many thoughts during my first Quanta Freedom Healings, such as, “I can’t do this, I’m too tired, it’s not working, I’m the narcissist, there’s too much damage, I’ll never heal …”
But something changed for me. Usually in the past when I’ve had big breakdowns and cried and cried I would fall asleep, then wake up the next day and my eyes would be so puffy and red it looked like I had a double whack of conjunctivitis. I did healings one night, and cried and cried and then fell asleep. The next day I woke up and had no puffiness, no redness, I looked younger, healthier, and I felt refreshed. I knew in that instant NARP was something amazing and worth continuing.
After just 2 weeks of using NARP I stopped drinking. This was big, I was drinking a lot and had since I was a teenager. I’ve been using NARP for 3 months and have not touched a drink, it’s not a battle for me, it just is.
Within myself a lot has healed, my anxiety reduced significantly, I started sleeping better, had more energy, no stomach cramps and digestive issues, no more headaches too. For the first time I allowed myself to feel all my emotions and see them all as good, as helpful, as a part of me.
I allowed myself to smile, laugh and feel happy for the first time without looking around me, waiting to be criticised, questioned or punished.
Then I started to Thrive and I had some more BIG shifts! I started to love myself, accept myself, be myself and care for myself. I am starting to live more – I’m getting out of my house more, riding my bike, walking, doing more of what makes my Soul smile.
My biggest shift came the day I let go of my fear. I stopped fearing my ex husband, this was HUGE for me. I feared this man to my core. I used to check the front door late at night, shaking with fear in case he would be there ready to kill me. Then, one day when I went to collect my son, for the first time, being in my ex-husband’s presence did not bother me at all. It was a miracle for me to get there."
"I was 22 years old, not long out of a string of relationships in which I was not being my authentic self and oh so lonely, when I met the man I thought must be my forever guy. I was completely and utterly love bombed and believing we had so much in common, that he must be my Soul Mate.
He tested my loyalty increasingly by divulging unacceptable behavior, but I admired the honesty and drive to do things differently with me.
Being a people pleaser and thinking I was on this earth to fix others I, of course, was super understanding and supportive. Not realizing I was in fact setting the bar low for future behavior and screaming that I relied on love from an outside source.
Within 6 months I was pregnant, engaged and shifting back to my hometown where he had been given a job as a farm hand. Our place was isolated with no internet or cell coverage, and I spent most of my days stranded as he would use my car to go to work.
Over the course of our short relationship, I put up with moodiness, being ignored, used for sex, rejected when I wanted intimacy, arguments that led to screaming, cursing and things being broken, stealing my money, buying and using drugs with and without my knowledge, gaslighting, crazy making, dissing my friends and family and eventually physical abuse.
And, though it has taken me a lot of work to forgive myself for birthing my daughter into that toxic environment, I am so proud of myself for leaving when I did. When my daughter was about 6 months old, with the help of my family, I left and moved back in with my parents.
As many will know all too well the abuse continued despite my leaving, and when a friend mentioned narcissism, I hungrily devoured any information I could on the subject. Now I felt validated!
After 6 months my now one-year-old and I moved into a house on our own and my ex left the area. Any interaction with my ex led to hours of talk therapy and analyzing. I was dabbling in what I thought was self-care, seeking solace within my religion and starting to wish for a new partner to fix my loneliness.
All the while Melanie’s work kept popping up in my late-night internet searches and I was feeling more and more called to do NARP. I had never spent that much money on anything remotely similar, I didn’t understand how it would work and was very skeptical. But I thought there would be no harm in doing the 16 day free course and free Quanta Freedom Healing webinar. I was not wrong, and I purchased NARP days later. The words spoke to me in a way nothing else had yet. I started to realize that my life hadn’t just happened TO me, it was FOR me to start becoming the real me and loving her.
I saw that my relationship with myself was so unhealthy that I actually wasn’t capable of having a healthy relationship with someone else. My inner beliefs of “I am not good enough” could only generate relationships that reinforced this.
So far I’ve identified trauma from as young as two years old. I’ve then held space for that pain, been with it and felt it rather than pushing it away, and then shifted it with Quanta Freedom Healing to make room for and accept love and light. That is the beauty of this program for me. The part that wows me the most is that once I have done this, it is gone. I don’t have to deal with that issue again and my life is genuinely changed after every shift.
I have been doing NARP when I can for over three years and have started the Empowered Self Modules with great success in the last 6 months. After only two years on my own and doing my inner work 2-5 times a week, I reconnected with my high school sweetheart and we have added another little girl to our family.
He came back into my life when I was no longer searching. Without the path I have taken I know I would not have been able to appreciate this man and accept his love. But what an amazing feeling to be able to speak my truth and be my true self around my partner without fear of rejection.
This journey has led me down a variety of other paths of growth and so many back up Melanie’s work and enhance my NARP learning. I encourage anyone relating even a tiny bit to my story to do the work! It can be hard, but it is also so liberating. With each layer of the old me shed, the real me shines easier. It was tiring to live that old life, it is not tiring to be the REAL YOU.
I now have so much gratitude for the past where I used to hold resentment. Gratitude for that relationship with the narcissist forcing me to look within and learn to love ME. Gratitude for the knowledge I now have and can teach my daughters. So maybe they will be more in tune with their intuition and know in their hearts that they are enough, because their mumma sure is.
Love and light to all!"
"I spent 2019-2021 in an on-again-off-again, emotionally abusive relationship.
It started very quickly with intense love bombing, future promises, extravagant gifts, and incredible generosity. He was my knight in shining armor and swept me off my feet. I couldn’t have been happier.
He gradually changed. The kind man began to make cruel comments about others and criticized even the smallest details of me and my life choices. He became a brooding, short-tempered, entitled man who kept secrets.
The knight in shining armor became a man who wouldn’t keep his word or discuss issues. He would walk away, change the subject, or become defensive or angry.
Every 3-6 months he would leave the relationship. We would reconnect within weeks and the whole cycle would start again.
When we ended for good, I was a shell of myself. I was exhausted and everything I did was accompanied by his judgmental voice. I was financially in worse shape than I’d ever been. I remember thinking, ‘I have no idea who I am or how I will ever find myself’. I felt empty, alone, and ashamed.
Going No Contact gave me the space to begin to recover.
When I first read about NARP, I was skeptical. But nothing else had worked to get his voice out of my head, so I signed up, and never looked back.
I dedicated the next months to healing myself and soon not only began to feel like my old self, but had glimpses of a self I’d never known. A self who was happy from the inside, joyous, settled and safe. These glimpses became more frequent and longer lasting.
Whenever I did struggle, support from the MTE team via the NARP Community Forum kept me on track, and kept me No Contact.
After 3 months of dedicated work, I felt transformed, and better in ways I didn’t think possible.
For anyone suffering the incredible pain of the aftermath of narcissistic abuse, this program has the power to transform you from the inside out. As painful as it was, narcissistic abuse was the key to me finding NARP, healing myself, and truly THRIVING. And you can too!"
Sara was raised by an abusive alcoholic father and a codependent mother.
After being married for 16 years, and having two beautiful sons, Sara came out as a lesbian.
Sara says, “My children and family were accepting of my lifestyle. My first couple of relationships were with women who said they were recovering alcoholics, but they were definitely alcoholics. I realized that I was a raging codependent.”
Sara was proactive in working on herself, had studied psychology in college, and describes herself as ‘a life-long learner.’
Her next partner arrived, love-bombing Sara from day one, making Sara feel so special and loved, and somehow a fling turned into a relationship, and Sara was in love.
Sara describes the narcissist in her previous life, “She was strong, charismatic, and intelligent. She was studying psychology and was in the same line of work that I was in. We had amazing chemistry and started dating. My narcissist would be labeled as an altruistic narcissist. She was active with volunteer work, helped her mother, her grandmother, and her 2 best friends who were disabled. She also had a past as an alcoholic and drug addict. She had been sober and off drugs and alcohol for 10 years and had completely turned her life around.”
This relationship continued very painfully for four years, in which Sara discovered numerous infidelities, lies and experienced great abuse coupled with hoovering and love-bombing.
Sara was terribly trauma bonded and peptide addicted to her, throughout this soul roller-coaster ride.
“At that point, my life felt out of control. My health was a mess, I had lost friends and my relationships with family were strained due to all of the drama in my life. I was at a low point and needed help.”
Sara joined the webinar. She then signed up to be a Gold NARP member.
It was then that Sara was able to start truly healing. She said, “I finally got up the nerve to go No Contact. I changed my phone number, I changed my email address, I filed a police report and she gave up really quickly.”
“I got a lot of results within 6 months of doing the NARP program. When I started daily Quantum healing sessions I was able to stop the peptide addiction.
I spent the next two years being single, working on my healing, and releasing the trauma.”
Sara now is in a loving live-in relationship with her life-partner.
‘Many of us have had difficulties with codependency as we are such caring and loving people. I look at my relationship with the narc as the final test in my journey of healing from childhood trauma.”
Marcie says that everyone in her previous life was in some way narcissistic – ancestors, parents, husbands and boyfriends.
She describes her childhood as: “I felt I had to be the adult and take care of family members who couldn’t or wouldn’t take care of themselves. I longed to be loved, feel loved, but thought the only way to receive ‘good things’ was to be perfect and give more and more to others. I had no emotions, as a child I felt like a ghost inside of a human body.”
Just before Marcie found her way to the NARP community, her situation was VERY serious. She had been abused in yet another relationship and felt she couldn’t take any more. She was miserable, alone, isolated and terrified of everything.
Marcie said, “I wanted to die, I saw no way out. I had planned to starve myself, not go anywhere or do anything – cease from functioning. I could not give anymore. I couldn’t eat, I would cry myself to sleep. I was physically sick with stomach and back pain all the time. I was so nervous, my hands shook. I could not keep up the mask anymore of everything was okay.” Marcie had been battling her emotions and life, from an early age, due to abuse.
She had tried Prozac in her 20’s to level out the chemicals in her brain, and had been in and out of counselling since age 5.
Marcie described her therapy as this: “I felt like I was in a cycle where I was encouraged to continue to talk about the problems and how I felt, but nothing was discussed about permanently getting rid of them. I felt like I was always going to live depressed and full of anxiety.”
When Marcie joined the NARP Community she said that this was her last roll of the dice. If NARP didn’t work she truly believed she would die, the pain was so great, and she just couldn’t go on anymore.
However, with NARP relief came very quickly.
As Marcie said, “The first healing I did, I cried for the first time in years, it felt so good. I felt a weight lifted from me.”
Marcie, now, after working the NARP Healing Modules 3-4 times a week for a year, is truly Thriving.
She says, “Using NARP results were instant and lightning fast, after years and years of counseling and only getting temporary relief.”
“Never in a million years would I have thought I had the confidence to do this – NARP gave me the knowing I am whole, healthy, deserving, worthy within to experience all life has to offer.”
Marcie finally had this to say, “Each person is worthy of a thriving life and to live whole and healthy. Using the NARP program with so many fellow Thrivers has been the best and most rewarding journey of my life.”
"I suffered narcissistic abuse from my intimate partner of five years who transitioned to being my best friend for 10 years. I then dated new narcissists and would get caught in a tug of war between my friend and each love interest. My friend was calculatedly manipulative, she gaslighted me and financially ruined me.
My breakdown came while dating a woman who connected with me deeply, spiritually, emotionally and relationally. Then she became sexually abusive and discarded me for someone new. I was left alone and broken while my narc friend repeated the “I told you so”, unraveling my sense of self.
I could not focus due to the obsessive thoughts and self doubt. I got fired from my job. I had to quit my beloved martial art practice. I lay in bed days on end.
I attended a 12-Step program and my therapist counselled me on the long road to healing trauma. I got better, but resigned to minimizing my life to something gentle and manageable.
I watched videos on narcissistic abuse, then found Melanie and Thriver TV. I was instantly magnetized to her message of recovery, evolution, transcending and Thriving.
I got NARP and methodically focused on Module One for 3 days. I was amazed, filled with joy and exuberance, receiving divine inspiration and loving thoughts.
I went on a solo road trip for the pure enjoyment of my own Inner Being, to a seaside town where I explored like a child filled with wonder. This was a miracle!
I was in the present, myself and my Inner Being and my Higher Power, far surpassing any lower vibrations that used to weigh me down. All from three Module One shifts!
The NARP work powerfully cleansed the dense energy within me, that was limiting me, making me susceptible to narc abuse because they are drawn to low grade energy.
I’m experiencing such fulfilled relationships with my parents. My spirit and heart have been freed to share loving kindness and joy with them.
It’s truly a natural progression, once releasing the spiritual wounds through NARP, and following the healthy exuberance that resulted."
"I met my ex-husband in the mid 1990’s. A covert malignant narcissist and I, a codependent empath – the perfect match.
In 2007 I quit a successful career to be a full-time mother. We separated in 2015, our daughters were 10 and 9, sons 8 and 4.
In 2012 I was diagnosed with chronic fatigue and depression. By 2015, I was alcohol dependent, overweight and could hardly get off the couch. The psychiatrist said I had to leave him or die due to his narcissistic abuse.
I tried antidepressants, medications and therapy. I believed he could take the children, our friends and the money.
I joined NARP in October 2015, and left him in November when I realised that he would never change. I relied on NARP without therapy or medication till the divorce in early 2018.
By then he had little interest in the kids – he was verbally, at times physically, abusive with them yet had a stronger relationship with our 8-year-old son.
He found someone and had to be the “perfect father”, so he escalated the smear campaign against me.
He said I was alienating the kids from him – that I was a mentally ill alcoholic, bitter over the divorce and his re-partnering – falsely claiming I was a Schizophrenic.
I armed myself with NARP and shifted limiting beliefs about why my kids would rather be with him:
I am worthless.
He has a new, better, shiny, working, not fat version of me.
He has family, connections, money.
Everyone will believe his version of the story, he is more charming and likeable than me.
I am alone and unsupported.
I will not be able to financially support myself.
By shifting those beliefs this manifested:
Three of my four children saw through him.
He tripped on his lies consistently – they were exposed in our mediations and negotiations.
My lawyer was excellent but his was even better. Turns out his expensive lawyer consistently acted for our children’s best interests, not the narc’s, I wasn’t alone or unsupported.
The mediated parenting agreement was a stroke of brilliance.
I went back to work in a high-paying, high-status role."
"An altruistic narcissist I had been serious with in my 20s came back into my life when I was going through my divorce. He was more supportive to me than anyone had ever been. He told me he adored me. I couldn’t believe I could feel this way at age 51.
We had a long distance relationship for part of the 6 years we were together, seeing each other every few weeks.
First it was amazing but then I found myself off kilter, apologizing and feeling guilty.
He’d share emails from a female “friend”, an old girlfriend and his ex wife and when I expressed my discomfort, he would blow up and not answer the phone.
He’d disappear for a week and I’d be in a dissociated state on the couch until he’d call and tell me he loved me.
In 2015 I moved to live with him. It quickly took a downward turn. I was always walking on eggshells, he screamed obscenities at me and ignored me when I got home.
And yet, I just couldn’t leave. I was physically exhausted, mentally confused and thought about suicide daily. Then searching to see if I had a mental illness, I found Melanie. I felt relief and the pieces fit.
I got the Silver Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Program (NARP) and did Module 1 for a week. I had to save my own life. Within a month, I moved out and have been No Contact ever since. I didn’t continue with NARP right away.
I moved to California in April 2019. I was ashamed for having to start over financially, socially and professionally. I felt hopeless that I could ever be helped.
In 2 years I was not healing and I truly believed NARP was my last chance.
This time I gave it my full commitment. I upgraded to Gold for the Forum and NARPed 1 to 3 hours a day.
I’m at the beginning of my healing journey but already this is so much better than what I’ve experienced most of my life so I’ll keep going, one Module at a time.
I am trusting that NARP will continue to help move me in the direction of my soul’s health and I’m so grateful for these tools and this community. For the first time in my entire life, I know healing is absolutely possible."
"It started out like any fairy tale does.
The handsome prince arrives on his white horse to whisk away the beautiful princess to a life of happily-ever-after. My storybook life had to be perfect because that is what little girls grow up to believe.
But it was very clear, as early as the honeymoon, that my knight in shining armour was anything but shiny. There was a feeling of uneasiness in the pit of my stomach. And a dark cloud hung over my heart.
How could someone change so much in just 24 hours since saying, “I do”? But I marked it up to newlywed jitters, hoping tomorrow would be better. But that better tomorrow never came. I did try to make it better. I tried for 32 years.
From the very beginning I was reprimanded and reminded by words, actions, and a lack of affection of just how inadequate, useless, and insignificant I was.
I had no idea that I was even being abused. I just figured that this was my life. I desperately wanted out of this deep dark hole but my fear of letting anyone know how imperfect our marriage really was kept me quiet.
Someone in passing shared Melanie’s website and finally, all this chaos and brokenness had a name. Through Melanie and her expert advice I began to orchestrate an exit plan based on “No Contact.”
NARP provided me the tools to begin to heal. It felt a bit scary at first but then it was as if someone had given me a glass of cold, refreshing water after being totally dehydrated.
Through NARP, I now had the tools to help me deal with trauma and damage that ran much deeper than getting over a bad relationship. There was a lot of cleansing that had to take place.
Healing is not for the faint of heart. But it was worth every tear, worth every raw release of hidden trauma, worth every surrender within my pile of faulty beliefs.
I gave myself permission to accept unconditionally the love that had always been mine to begin with. I deserved this life that was full, complete, and trauma-free. I can be transparent and real now because I did the work of clearing out the junk, so the good stuff can take up full residence. There is nothing to hide.
I choose to no longer be stuck in the world of victimhood. I choose to align myself with a love that represents the authentic me with daily helpings of joy and fulfillment."
"In October of 2015, Ravynn was the happiest she’d ever been in her entire life. She taught yoga at a gym and was working on her body with a boxing coach who was the sweetest man she’d ever met.
Things moved on very quickly with the boxing coach and they planned to get married. After seven or eight months the cracks began to show and Ravynn realised the skilled boxing coach didn’t love her after all.
Ravynn says, “After months of gaslighting, heinous, twisted games of sadistic abuse; sexual, physical, verbal, mental and emotional abuse; threats on my life, kicking my cats, pathological lying and cheating; pulling a knife on me after throwing me into a wall, grabbing the steering wheel to make us crash at 50 mph – I asked how could this be my life?
It all led to my own role in this twisted game of wits, deception, and lies: I became Player 2 and went to war, awakening my own ancient demons to battle his.
In 2015 I moved to live with him. It quickly tookAfter three years, I had serious battle wounds in the forms of PTSD, BPD, episodes of severe disassociation after bouts of sexual abuse, a suicide attempt, a drug and alcohol habit, no trust or self-worth to speak of, a severe anxiety disorder, Narcissistic Abuse Syndrome, depression and a total loss of faith in good people.” She felt like she was truly losing her mind.
Then something happened and she remembered she had the Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Program (NARP) and the Quanta Freedom Healing (QFH) Modules.
She continues, “After everything I had been through, I didn’t think there was hope for me. But I began doing the work, listening to Melanie’s voice as I lay on the bed, journaling the worksheets one by one. I could not believe how effective her techniques were; I could not believe the level of intelligence that her innovative healing modalities encompass. And how effective!
This may be the only modality that I believe to really work. It was way faster than any therapy session. But QFH is all about the recognition and the release of the traumas we’ve kept locked in our bodies for so, so long.”
"Last year I met a man who seemed like my dream guy, so kind, so attentive. The way we met was like a romantic movie: eyes meeting across a crowded room and a magical first date.
We had only been dating a week when he told me that he knew I was The One. I thought I had struck gold! Despite some gut-churning feelings (red flags) I was swept up by this fairy tale.
I even overlooked the fact that he had recently left his financé and moved in with another woman. However, I was determined that I was going to make this one work. Within a few weeks we moved in together and very quickly his mask began to crack.
I noticed that everything had to be his way. He accused me of seeing other people. When I raised these issues it was like having a nonsensical conversation with a scarily cold man.
Then the nightmares started. I was back in my highly abusive marriage with my ex-husband. We divorced twenty years ago but it all came right back, a giant warning. The hideous mind games, the name-calling and physical trauma.
Back in my waking life I rationalised it all. Thought I was being paranoid.
He went super cold and asked me to leave. I left and so began a cycle of leave and hoover.
Like a guiding light Melanie’s book appeared.
I didn’t want to believe that I’d picked another ‘bad egg’ or needed to face my inner ‘demons’.
But he wasn’t going anywhere. I had to be the one to go full ‘No Contact’ and commit to healing.
Working with the Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Program (NARP) changed my life. I noticed small changes at first, which grew into tangible, beautiful results over just weeks and months.
I felt clearer, lighter and my goals, my life purpose and vitality started to come back – and to manifest.
NARP has allowed me to find, create and reconnect with a loving, safe, space within myself and attract healthy, loving, genuine people and prospects into my life.
I still work with QFH to support my recovery from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and have found it to be the most versatile and transformative tool I have ever used."
"I came to discover that a narcissist I was intimately involved with in 2005, along with experiences with a succession of friends, bosses and work associates, all narcissists, had all come to guide me deep into my inner being that was crying out to be healed.
I have been led all the way back to my family of origin and beyond to discover a family pattern deeply ingrained in my ancestry. In this life, the ultimate narcissists were my mother (covert narc) and father (somatic narc).
I was abused on every level and every day in the relationship with my ex. Love bombed, fell pregnant very quickly with our daughter and then the abuse started.
He didn’t care for our daughter properly, and she suffered terribly. He used her as a weapon against me. She has suffered with anxiety and depression since.
My initial breakdown occurred after my relationship with the narc boyfriend ended in December 2012. I’d reached my “enough” moment.
I was severely depleted, I was desperately seeking something to make me feel safe. I had to leave my home, it was difficult to work and be a single parent to our daughter and my two other children. They were very dark days and I thought I was going to die.
Melanie’s work saved my life. Yet, the narc took me to court and I had a terrible experience with no one believing he was harming our child. He was awarded joint residence of our daughter.
NARP had sat in my PC for years. I had a tremendous resistance to starting it. In 2019 I accepted I had to do the work, or die.
I finally started NARP. It was like an avalanche thereafter, so much came up and I was wracked with grief for my lost childhood.
My life has changed beyond measure since doing the work with NARP. The ex boyfriend was found to be mistreating our daughter and he can no longer see her.
As I recover, I can see the transformation in her. The anxiety and depression is starting to lift and our relationship gets closer and more loving every day. My parents no longer trigger me as I’ve healed my inner child in relation to them."
"In March 2019, my son wasn’t even 3 months old when my marriage fell to pieces. The father of my son said he no longer wanted to have an intimate relationship with me. I was devastated, he refused to get help at the time. It was like living in a nightmare and I was vulnerable as a first time mum.
We had been together for 6 years, and I was traumatised by the finality and decisiveness of his decision. I wanted to celebrate our new arrival and he was joyless. It was a crazy time.
So crazy, that when he was listing why he longer wanted to be with me, I thought my head would explode.
After I sat next to my sleeping son and had the feeling that I didn’t want to exist in my body. I wanted to smash my head against the wall. I texted my sister for support, I left a few days later. I never returned.
A friend suggested he had Narcissistic Personality Disorder. This set me down the rabbit hole of Narc abuse on the internet.
I had flashbacks of being shamed in the early stages of our relationship, silent treatments and gaslighting. I was disconnected from myself.
I started therapy and last August did Melanie’s live healing. I felt so much relief that I signed up for NARP and dove into the Modules. It’s all about focusing within, self-partnering. It’s really not about the other person.
Through NARP and therapy I’ve unearthed a lot of trauma that needed to be tended to.
It helped to go No Contact, I had so much anger to process.
Now I am more myself within, it just is a place of love and acceptance for myself. I feel like I’ve come home to myself.
My outer world is full, being a mama and caring for my darling son. I’ve been singing at events and studying to be a life coach. It brings me joy to help and entertain.
After 4 months of No Contact we attended mediation and separation counselling. He can express his emotions to me, is respecting boundaries and continues to see our son.
It’s not for me to say what or who he is, I can only be sure of who I am.
This painful experience has been pivotal for me to know myself, I have deep gratitude for this."
"I have attention deficit disorder and I really had trouble focusing with the longer version of the Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Program (NARP), I used to fall asleep.
I would play the Shifts Happen videos and NARP Modules in my sleep and that seemed to help. I felt like I just wasn’t able to get it right.
Some stuff was healed but I still had major problems in my life such as malignant narcs at work, court and legal problems with narc-ex, job loss, loss of home and forced to move in with narc-ex and later narc Family of Origin.
In 2018 I had significant health problems and debilitating anxiety that left me so physically and emotionally exhausted I just thought, I will be dead soon.
I actually thought that.
I upgraded to the Gold membership for the Source Healing and Resolution Module when NARP 3 was released. This version was so much easier for me to use.
When it’s time to do a Module, I just ask my inner child which Module she wants. I don’t worry about the sequential order or if the title matches the trauma to be worked on. I know she always picks the right one.
That’s when things began to change.
At the end of 2018 I finally got a job even though I wasn’t very qualified for it and got caught up on bills.
I was able to re-enroll in a graduate program I had to drop out of twice because of narc abuse at home and work.
I needed a new vehicle and I was looking at Mercedes Benz online. The local dealership got my information and asked me to come and see a vehicle.
I have wanted a Mercedes since I was 7 and finally got one.
Then I found an apartment with an amazing view that should have been priced much higher.
I moved out of the narc home and have been No Contact ever since.
I finally got a job in my usual occupational industry. I had quit my other job because of abuse by my N boss and his flying monkeys.
Court with my children’s father has been postponed due to COVID-19. I didn’t fret or panic. In fact he has a warrant for his arrest, will go to jail, and lose custody.
I am happy to be alive and Thriving. I am happy to take all the time I need to heal with NARP."
"To help our children, we need to work on ourselves as the HIGHEST priority to be calm, untriggered and powerful in our bodies.
That is the great POWER of NARP – it helps us achieve that – when nothing else can.
Let’s face it, there is nothing more triggering than when our children are concerned.
Natasha’s story is one that allows you to know you can GET through this and succeed against a narcissist who is hurting your child.
“I am so grateful for how far I’ve come since starting NARP. Because of NARP and continually releasing the trauma out of my body, situations that would normally have rendered me powerless, stressed and triggered, are no longer bothering me. Here’s a recent example.
Monday, I picked my son up from school, after he’d spent a weekend with his dad. He said what he often says, “I had the worst weekend with my dad” and he followed that with some words about his dad physically hurting him.
I’ve called Children’s Aid on his father a few times. Previously when I did this, I’ve been a wreck. I’ve felt it was pointless and I had gone so far as to tell them so.
This time, I was calm. First, I was able to witness myself taking in information from my son, and calmly empowering him to do something about it. (I think he also used to feel it was all pointless because usually nothing changes). After we talked yesterday, I gave him the phone and I let him make his own report. We haven’t tried that before, and he said he liked it.
That was Monday night. Then Tuesday morning, I called Children’s Aid myself, to report it myself.
Prior to calling (at work), I put on my NARP Program’s Goal Setting Module, and set the goal of “I can trust that my truthful reports will be met with care, concern, and belief; and that his (narc’s) untruthful reports will be seen for what they are.”
As I was on the phone, I was calm, collected, not triggered. Compare this to the last time I called CAS when I was crying on the phone and so stressed afterwards that I actually took the remainder of the day off work! This time, I finished the call feeling good, confident, and able to continue working.
And this time, instead of nothing being done about it, I got a call an hour later, asking me to show up with my son to make an official police report.
Now, I know this is not the kind of thing that would make every mother’s heart sing, but I am overwhelmed with relief and gratitude.
CAS and police took us seriously. Not only that, I am calm. I am happy. So is my son. We gave calm statements, and they were literally met with care, concern, and belief. That was my NARP Goal Setting Module goal!
Ultimately, there’s no charges laid, and no significant changes to access, but that’s okay. Things will either get better, or they’ll get worse which would lead to significant changes, and either way is okay. I feel such overwhelming success, solely because I feel fine.
And in previous calls I’ve made, there’s been this background idea that the narc and I are at war. That thought didn’t fit this time. I really don’t care about defeating him. I’m here for my son and advocating on his behalf for a best outcome. That’s it.
I feel so free!!!!!! Sending love, hope and power to all parents.
NARP will give you your and your children’s lives back, if you commit to the inner work to align with and become what you need to, to deal with this.”
"The narcissist in my life was my now ex-husband. When we first met I was a single mom of 3 amazing children. My son age 10 and my daughters 9 and 7.
I should have run far and fast but he was an amazing cook, father figure, he was loyal, honest and listened. The sex was amazing, I felt beautiful and sexy.
Soon red flags popped up, usually after a night of drinking. The verbal abuse was towards me and my kids. It got worse when I was pregnant.
I had to be on bed rest but I still had to maintain the house and pay the bills. The abuse increased again when our son was born, I almost had a mental breakdown.
This wasn’t good for me or my kids but I couldn’t leave. I had a baby, debt, 4 kids, nowhere to go, no money and no support.
I tried to leave but he promised to quit drinking and being an asshole, he said if I left he would take our son from me.
We went to counselling and he slowed down the drinking and changed for about 6 months. My next pregnancy was the worst ever for abuse. My older children were the targets. I lived in a bubble in my room just to keep my baby inside me as long as I could.
The night she was born, he showed up drunk and was abusive to me while I was in labour. I knew then and there I was leaving.
He forced me to have sex with him even after I had a traumatic birth. I told him it hurt – my spirit went somewhere else.
After I got on my phone and found an apartment online, I was starting over from scratch with my 5 kids.
I saw a lawyer and followed her advice to a tee. I told him on the Friday I want a divorce. We went to therapist that made me out to be the crazy one leaving this “amazingly insightful husband”.
He tried to have sex with me, I kicked and punched back. I won this time.
That Saturday my 5 kids and I left.
I was on maternity leave with 5 kids ages 18, 17, 15, 2 and 2 months. I was getting $336 a week from the government. I couldn’t pay all the bills, buy food or anything. He refused to support me and his children. We began litigation.
He still had access to my 2 youngest and verbally abused me at every exchange. My older kids and I were in therapy but I would get triggered and I cried in the shower so my kids wouldn’t hear me.
One day after he verbally abused me I was in the bath and had thoughts of drowning myself or imagined my car crashing or being hit by a truck.
My cousin told me he was a narcissist, I began researching.
Everything I read felt like my own life. I went back to my therapist but she didn’t get it and discarded it.
Then I found Mel and NARP. On my first Quanta Freedom Healing session I had a huge cry, yelling and shaking then release and felt amazing after 4 shifts.
I ordered NARP Gold and did one session every day. I felt stronger, healthier and more like myself.
At court, the judge ruled to split the family home 50-50, child support for the younger two and spousal support until I return to work. I felt the judge saw him for what he was.
We return to court in a couple of months for custody and access to the two little ones.
My kids and I are now living in the new home I bought with the settlement.
I am no longer living in fear of being abused or raped. He no longer says a word to me at access exchanges and I feel nothing when I look at him.
When I get triggered, I just go straight to Module 1 and think about the beautiful people, experiences, blessings and things I have in my life.
You can get out. If you do, the mud will start to wash off, it will start to slip off, dry up and brush off. The rainbow will come. Just breathe and feel your strong soul in there.
I believe I chose this path, to go into the darkness, into the mud just so I would evolve and become more enlightened. After 2 abusive relationships I have come out of this one better than ever.
UPDATE: Monica let us know that she had a breakthrough in her custody battle in October – “The courts are finally done. 🙂 I was granted primary care of my children. Joint custody and they are with me 65% of the time.”
"At 34 years of age I found myself in an emotionally and sexually abusive relationship with my boyfriend.
When I met him I thought this was the person I had always been waiting for, I couldn’t believe my luck!
Three months into the relationship I became unexpectedly pregnant and he very quickly changed into someone I didn’t recognize – I was shamed, blamed and punished.
I struggled to sleep, work, socialize and thought the only way things would get better would be to terminate the pregnancy. I had an emotional breakdown and was referred to social services due to my emotional detachment from the baby raising concerns.
I ended the relationship romantically towards the end of my pregnancy, but his behaviour got worse. I received abusive messages and was smeared to his family and the social care professionals and finally received a family court summons.
I was scared to leave the house for fear of bumping into him. I was ashamed of being a single parent with a baby that I felt so unattached to.
The feeling that I would never be free from him or this nightmare was overwhelming, I thought there was only one way out and admitted to wanting to crash my car and didn’t want to leave my son behind. On professional advice I fled to a refuge with my 9 month old son.
Then I came across Melanie’s work, did a free webinar and purchased NARP straight away.
Two weeks into NARP I felt a newfound confidence in myself. I left the refuge as miraculously a friend offered me a house I could stay in for free with my son.
During the next 2 months, I began making decisions for myself and started to enjoy time with my son.
Now less than a year doing NARP we continue to Thrive and I am so proud to be his Mum.
Regardless of the court outcome I have freed myself and my son.
I never thought I could feel so much love, gratitude and peace. If I had to go through this all again to get here I absolutely would, but the beauty of NARP is that I never have to again. NARP truly saved my life and my soul."
"So many of us (at any age) thought …It’s too late for me.
I’ve lost too much to ever make a comeback.
My story is about just that.
My narcissistic mother set the baseline for almost every other relationship in my life. Love was pain. Love was violent. Love was lies. Give and take meant that I give and they take. Love meant I would be abandoned, leaving me waiting for the proverbial other shoe to drop – and it always did.
When I came across a free Quanta Freedom Healing (QFH) session with Melanie, the results were so incredibly powerful and provided such an amazing amount of relief that it brought me to tears. Tears that ranged from the fear of facing my traumas to tears of joy from overcoming them.
I knew I had to buy the NARP Gold membership package, but instead of starting, something took over and the program just sat there staring back at me.
At 61 years of age, I was still stuck in the horrible dance with another narcissistic abuser. And when the discard exploded all over me yet again, I felt completely drained emotionally, confused and broken.
Plus, I had been diagnosed with severe Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA), an auto-immune disease, and it would flare up to almost intolerable levels.
Sick and tired of allowing this to keep happening in my life, and done with ineffective talk therapy, finally after two years, I said ENOUGH!
Fast forward almost a year later and since committing to do the inner work with NARP, all the symptoms of RA, have either reduced tremendously or disappeared entirely.
These are the changes in my life from working with NARP:
• I now exist with a deep peace of mind, body and spirit.
• I have learned to self-love and self-soothe and have the courage to be me – the best me I can be.
• I was able to both forgive the narcissists in my life and forgive myself.
• There are no more narcissists or toxic people in my life, because I no longer accept their reality.
• I am not afraid to clearly identify and make my limits/boundaries known.
• I no longer feel hopelessly bound, consumed or controlled by my emotional baggage.
NARP has been 100% more effective for my healing from narcissistic abuse than years of counselling, talk therapy, self-help books and prescription medication. It has touched every part of my being – physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
I have never been happier in my life.
My NARP package is one of, if not THE most cherished possession I own. I truly believe it saved my life. I just WISH I had known about this decades ago, as it took me until I was 61 to connect to my true life."
"I was born and raised in Latvia under the Soviet Regime. When I was 10 Latvia was in crisis. I was neglected by my parents and my family was so poor there were times I didn’t know if there would be food for me the next day, or a home to live in.
I was often left on my own from infancy, allowed to be bullied and abused. Not surprisingly I ended up in a controlling, emotionally abusive relationship believing it was normal.
In my teenage years, I got into a crazy, controlling religious sect that was also spiritually abusive, where I was trapped for 22 years!
After 14 years of marriage, it finally came to a divorce and I was so sick and thin, I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia, depression, and anxiety. I turned to alcohol and medication to help numb the pain, extreme feelings of worthlessness, and then, three years after becoming a single parent to two amazing children, I had a nervous breakdown.
It was the beginning of 2017 and I felt worse than ever before. At home, I couldn’t function but forced myself to when my children were with me, but when they stayed with their father, I was in bed consumed with crippling fear and depression, feeling isolated and helpless.
During Mel’s free webinar I experienced my first Quanta Freedom Healing. The next morning, I actually felt a real release and an absence of the terrorizing fear and depression! I could not believe it!
I had a lot to heal such as body dysmorphia, panic attacks, having absolutely NO boundaries, extreme people-pleasing, so much fear I think I was afraid of my own shadow!
Very soon I was able to go to a shop and not have a panic attack or run back home. Within a few months, my children began to have a calm, happy mummy.
Three months after my co-workers were commenting on how much I had changed from this very anxious, nervous woman to someone with confidence and a smile.
Within 6 months I was able to come off medication that previously I couldn’t imagine being without.
I began to LOVE myself. Wow! Self-Partnering … Knowing I can survive without a man.
Eighteen months after starting NARP, I finally broke free of the religious sect, I also left my abusive workplace as I recognized my boss as a Narcissist.
I trained in Reiki modalities and discovered I was psychically gifted and have been working on creating my own business!
I started meeting new, wonderful people, that I have been able to create real friendships with, being able to say ‘yes’ or ‘no’ when I actually meant it.
I am 38 years young and have been a NARPer for about two and half years – and finally – I have just graduated on to the Empowered Self course! All I can say, it’s absolutely amazing!"
"My journey began with a narcissistic, verbally abusive adopted father.
He said I wouldn’t amount to anything because I liked to daydream and draw pictures in class.
I was always on edge, trying not to awaken the “dragon”. My adopted father was a classic rageaholic.
I married a narcissist and had several narcissistic relationships with other men after I divorced.
One of my boyfriends would be so loving and then leave me in a bar crying my eyes out after screaming at me, it was toxic entanglement. After we broke up I was so depressed that I couldn’t get out of bed for two weeks and I’m a single mom!
He did everything narcissists do; love bombing, gaslighting and cheating. He could never take the blame. It was too painful.
Melanie’s videos were like water to a thirsty soul. I was relieved to finally identify what I was going through! I felt like I was solving my own mystery!
I opened up to the needs of the inner child in me via her Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Program (NARP). It took me five years because I really did love him – but I resolved to love myself MORE and work on releasing inner traumas.
Five years with moments of sheer bliss and connection with him, followed by days of sheer hell, knowing he was with another woman.
At first, I’d do whatever he wanted, degrade myself … He is sexy, charming, talented, smart and emotional but full of lies and deceit. A broken soul.
Through my healing process I wrote and recorded an album. I’m hoping it will speak to and emancipate the souls that are still trapped in this nightmare.
These are lyrics from one of my songs, All This Time, “I am a Phoenix, I flew out of the fire, took me for dead but I rose even higher, even higher. Oh came back again, back again. Oh rose from the dead.”
I could write volumes and am committed to helping others through my music and testimony, sharing in my songs that there is life after having your soul hijacked and imprisoned.
Thank you Melanie for giving me the keys to unlock my shackles."
"My journey to recovery began in January of 2019. I was just ending a very confusing relationship with a thieving narcissist. I kept asking myself why I always ended up with these narcissistic types of men. I was a narcissist magnet and I didn’t know why.
I came upon one of Melanie’s blogs and I recognized myself in it. That was my “ah-ha” moment. I came to understand that I was not the victim which I had always believed. I was in part the cause of my own unhappiness and bad relationships.
My story begins with molestation when I was five years old, then again at nine and continued until I was in 8th grade. During that same time I was also heavy and was the target of cruel jokes and bullying. I grew up thinking I had to do things to get people to like me.
I got married at 21. My adult life consisted of two marriages totaling 40 years with abusive narcissistic men. The three years between the two marriages were also sprinkled with abusive men, reinforcing my feelings of worthlessness, inadequacy, and victimization.
Through NARP I was able to finally do the work to get out of this cycle. I was able to address all of the negativity, pain and brokenness which surrounded me throughout my life. When the memories of all the abusive times from when I was very young came back to me, I realized I had never dealt with any of those “feelings”.
The confusing thing for my young mind was that each time these things happened, when I would talk with my mom about them, I was punished or yelled at.
With NARP I was able to understand she was responding as any mother would when she learns her child had been molested – with anger. Not at me but at the molester and the situation.
I took an eight week class at my church which ended with a “Freedom Encounter” which was a powerful release of everything that I had been working for. I walked out of that four hour encounter finally feeling liberated. But I know I couldn’t have gotten there without all of the work I had been doing with NARP as part of the Thriver Community.
Today I am confident, happy, and very satisfied to be single. I have been traveling with my friend from work. I have accepted a very challenging job as a data analyst, with no formal training. And I am leading 16 women to Freedom with the church’s initiative, but I also manage to sprinkle in some of the same techniques I learned from the NARP recovery program so they can heal too."
"My family of origin is what created my original traumas in this life. Both my parents were immigrants and my mother is codependent, angry, has narcissistic traits and a borderline personality disorder. My father was traumatised in the Second World War, he was a binge drinker and angry.
I was terrified of both my parents for different reasons.
My mother used and dumped on me and didn’t see me as a child. My father’s love was conditional on what I did for him and he had many demands. My sister was my mother’s golden child.
During my childhood I had many illnesses including eye problems, throat problems, digestive issues, IBS, and kidney problems. In my adult life these ailments progressed into allergies, lack of energy, anxiety and depression.
The relationships in my life have been disastrous, I left my last partner because I knew I would die if I didn’t.
By the time I was in my late fifties I was at the end of my tether and felt suicidal.
Since my twenties I had been constantly on the healing path. For many years I practised meditation and became an acupuncturist. I went everywhere to find help for myself.
Around 2016 I started to listen to Melanie, it was really making sense to me but felt afraid to join NARP. After two free seminars and healing experiences I still had resistance.
In July 2018, my daughter said that she was having difficulties with self-esteem and told me it was because I hadn’t stood up to my mother, who is now 91-years-old.
At the time my daughter was going to the U.S. for three weeks and said she didn’t want to see me before she left. I was devastated, it was a feeling I recognised, one where I have no ground and I feel a sense of floating in space and disconnection.
That day I joined NARP.
It was cathartic for me. I knew by now that this had to stop and knew this was the way for me now.
A few months later my daughter called me as if nothing had happened and later said to me that she could see I was taking emotional responsibility for myself. I was so heartened by that and knew right then that we would be ok.
A year on and my daughter has also joined NARP and I feel as if I have found my feet for the first time in my life. I am seeing this healing journey as truly miraculous as it has now given me my anchor into myself and my life. The relationship I have with my daughter today is so much more wholesome and real which feels wonderful.
I am so grateful to Melanie for this work."
"I grew up in a family where I felt that my Mum was very self-centered.
I had a light bulb moment when my sister told me she was a narcissist.
My Mum has always been unpredictable, materialistic, not nurturing or affectionate, uses emotional or financial blackmail, guilt-trips, does not respect privacy, is never satisfied and is jealous of her children’s achievements.
As a child, I was supposed to cater to all of my parents’ needs. My Dad was never there and a womaniser. I was rebellious and inherited from that a deep sense of inadequacy, injustice, abandonment and a reactive personality.
My ex was also a narcissist, he was constantly gaslighting me, a compulsive liar, passive aggressive and indulging in a relationship of convenience. I was only a source of supply for him. I experienced love bombing, supply and discard.
When I found the Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Program (NARP) in 2018, I was better than in 2015 when I felt I was dying inside, my ex was using me and my Mum was acting super jealous of me and having tantrums. I worked like a maniac, hated my colleagues, couldn’t rely on my intuition anymore, didn’t know who to trust, had no boundaries, I was very low on energy … and all I wanted was for everything to stop and to sleep.
I reached an even lower point when I lost my job yet that’s when I found Melanie’s Facebook page.
Now I am grateful for my Mum and my ex for exposing my childhood wounds. Self-partnering really helped.
Now I can count on my siblings and true friends. The legacy of my twin sister (who was such a gentle soul and passed away) is that our emotions are a gift, so I will not numb them anymore!
NARP allowed me to know myself better, honour my highly sensitive nature and empathy so as to do humanitarian work and continue developing my creativity.
Now I can identify individuals who are not yet whole or centred, are manipulative, and in any case let go of relationships where I always played the ‘rescuer’.
And now, I have become more confident in my intuition."
"A few years ago I met a man who I thought was the love of my life. Our interests were uncannily similar. He was very charismatic, handsome, loving, altruistic and giving to people. He told me he’d never felt this way before.
But, amongst all the love bombing he made subtle hurtful comments, would get cranky and snap at me for no reason. He would smooth over lies with grace and leave me reeling in confusion.
He’d also publicly humiliate and gaslight me. I got the silent treatment if I said something he didn’t agree with. I wanted the charming love of my life back … but he no longer existed.
Long story short, when I found out I was pregnant that’s when the full brunt of the narcissist came out.
He texted me one morning saying he didn’t love me, he felt the baby and I ruined his happiness and he wouldn’t be there for us. He then proceeded to ignore me.
I was in shock. He was posting what a great life he had, yet towards me he was miserable, depressed, unhappy, and nasty. Classic Jekyll and Hyde.
By this stage I found Melanie’s work and I understood he was an Altruistic Narcissist.
Not long after he’d chucked me and our unborn child under the bus he was posting pictures of the new love of his life and she was a single mum with a young child … I was like, WTF!
I went No Contact and started the Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Program (NARP). It’s been incredibly healing, upleveling and transformative in a very short period of time. I could see clearly the wounds and holes in my energy which had attracted this man.
Today I feel a deep peace, wellbeing and self love. I’m actually grateful for my ex narc because if it wasn’t for him I wouldn’t have my beautiful son, the loving relationship with my Creator and self and a wonderful business.
No matter how hard, bad or dark your situation is, go within, use Melanie’s healing tools to break free from your trauma and Thrive.
Thriving with love, joy, abundance, peace and blessings awaits you after a narcissist has decimated your life."
Many of us in the NARP Community love Kara and speak about her comeback often!
“My father and mother were both abusive as I was growing up. In an effort to cope with the painful feelings of being bad, wrong, unlovable and never good enough, I turned to drugs and alcohol at an early age of 13. I struggled with drugs until late into my 50’s.
Over the years I’ve been married four times, and each time was to somebody who was more abusive than the last. Each time I had to start life over again.
I felt deeply flawed and unworthy of love.
I went to therapy, anger management classes, 12-step programs, and church. I sought out medical help, guidance counselors and medication.
But nothing worked except the drugs. They were my great escape. I became hopelessly addicted, which robbed me of any chance of a ‘normal’ life.
In 1995 husband number four started an unsuccessful business. Our house went into foreclosure, the electricity got shut off, and we had very little money for food. Unfortunately, he had access to my retirement savings of twenty-five years of employment. He used all of it leaving me with nothing.
I couldn’t eat and my kidneys were failing from the stress. Eventually, I left him and for six months I either lived in my car or slept on people’s couches. I kept using my drugs, and my mind was becoming more and more useless to me.
When he left the house I returned. I had nothing. I relied on government programs to help get me by. Eventually, I qualified for disability insurance.
I found Melanie’s work many years earlier, but now I began doing the full NARP program earnestly.
Positive results started happening from day one. I felt relief come over me from my very first NARP Module. I felt hope and an inner strength that I didn’t know I had.
Five years later, at 61, I am thrilled to report that I am completely drug-free and fully immersed now in health and fitness. I feel and look better than I have my entire life, and I am about to launch my very own online nutrition and exercise programs.
I am also in a relationship with a loving and caring man.
I raised both of my kids, now 43 and 32, as a single parent. I spent much of their life in their teenage and early adult years dealing with their drug addictions, as a result of their upbringing and their own feelings of worthlessness.
I believe as a result of my healing through NARP, my adult children are now in loving relationships of their own and parenting their own children, my grandchildren, from a place of love and with a whole-hearted commitment to their children.
Seeing me find my own way, gave them permission to find theirs.
I know that NARP literally saved and gave me my life. It will yours, too.”
"My three-year relationship with a narcissist crushed me into the depths of hell.
When it started my business was at its peak, I was the healthiest I had ever been and my confidence was soaring.
At first, it seemed like a fairy tale.
I fell in love with a handsome, intelligent, poised, impressionable man who thrashed a hook into every cell of my body. Then our relationship started to change and unravel. I was falling deeper into confusion and I was dropping my life to accommodate his needs.
His actions in private turned more aggressive and it alarmed me. His rage appeared one night and I didn’t even recognize him. That was the night he sexually assaulted me, and it rained fear into my entire body.
I was a successful business owner — confident, kind and loving — and I was turning into someone else. But I knew from that quiet whisper that I needed to find a way out.
I decided to sell my ten-year-old company and travel to Italy to create space from him.
I had never been to Europe, so this experience was a challenge. The days seemed long in Italy. I could still feel the pull to him and parts of me missed him.
I arrived home to find him lurking around, I heard he had a woman, I felt myself shrinking and I wanted to vomit. There was still an intense pull from him that is unexplainable.
I slipped deeper into the darkest hole, spending most days in bed and barely eating, I became physically ill.
With Melanie’s blog I started to come back to life and understand his behavior was unacceptable. I joined the Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Program (NARP) and once I focused on me, everything started to change at a deeper level.
NARP helped me understand abuse was a part of my family and life since childhood. I soaked in love by receiving abuse. I was addicted to the control by a man which I perceived as love.
Melanie has created a masterpiece that will guide you to see the light as well. Do the work, you are worth it. Her community platform is here for all of us wherever you are in the world."
"I grew up in a strict, religious household as the oldest of five kids. I tried so hard to be responsible, selfless and helpful. I was deemed the “prayer warrior” in my Sunday school class. Deep down, I felt like a fraud.
I learned that what I did was never good enough. I tried running away from home and endured so many chores, rules, and punishments. My self esteem became beaten down and fragile.
As I grew I was consistently rejected, verbally threatened and mocked on a regular basis.
The day my (second) husband threatened to leave, I was sent into a whirlwind of terrible, confusing emotions. Over one year, the man I loved completely changed. I had just given birth to our sweet little baby, and I felt completely and utterly abandoned.
When he disappeared, I lost hope. I blamed myself. When he reappeared and admitted he was dealing with an addiction, I was in total shock. I realized I was living the exact same pattern over and over.
I tried religious therapies, self-help books, and communication techniques. I knew I needed something deeper.
Melanie’s video on why narcissists love intelligent people really grabbed me. It was like she was talking about MY LIFE.
At first I was concerned about the mode of spirituality present in NARP, but I kept an open mind. Melanie’s encouragement put me at ease. I was immediately brought to tears when the session began, and then I was amazed at how quickly I felt relief.
Over the course of my Thriver journey, my entire outlook on life has shifted. I no longer attract dysfunctional relationships. I moved to an amazing community, and my children are all thriving.
I’ve begun to recover from eating disordered behavior, and I am cultivating self-love in a way I never thought possible. I feel like I’ve awoken from a long sleep. I’m excited for my future now!
I’d have to say that my children have exhibited the quickest and most positive changes. They are amazing, and I am grateful that they are on this journey with me."
"My whole life I have never felt ENOUGH or truly valued my worth. The traumas started very young and as an adult I searched for the self love I wasn’t giving myself in situations that only brought me pain and more trauma.
Ten years ago I was in an abusive relationship. I was beaten, choked, and verbally degraded on a constant basis. I knew I had to change my life.
It was a long process because I was unwilling to face myself. I tried to love myself with the mindset of “fake it till you make it”. I was gaining confidence but not healing from the inside left me exposed.
As my confidence built I lost 70lbs and started dating again. I set off in the world to find love but as I was not truly healed, I once again partnered with a toxic man.
I attracted a covert narcissist and came face to face with the man who would push me to the brink of oblivion in one year.
He worked so hard to get to know me, that I thought it was an indication of our undeniable bond.
The abuse progressed subtly, I didn’t realize I was killing myself trying to please him and justify his behaviour.
During the devalue and discard phase I almost lost my mind. The crazy making conversations intensified and I was becoming the “crazy chick”.
I finally told someone, they said I was being emotionally abused and I started researching narcissistic personality disorder (NPD).
I understood that what he did to me wasn’t personal, it was simply an automatic response due to his disorder. Then I found the Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Program (NARP).
I accepted that I allowed this into my life because I did not value myself. I was assigning others responsibility to make me feel complete instead of facing the trauma.
As painful as it was, I truly believe he was brought into my life to finally claim and heal my wounds.
This new emotional freedom takes practice. But I now know that each time I release a faulty belief I am able to create my truth in a way that is completely authentic. I am finally free to live the life I was meant to live.
So within, so without …
I am finally free to live the life I was meant to live and that couldn’t be more true than when I remember the development of the relationship with the man I will spend my life with.
When I met him I was still healing and triggers were still rising up. But I was open to making authentic connections.
I think his soul was attracted to my healing energy and we met right when we both needed it. When we met, my fiancé was three years into his wife leaving him. This failure made him question his outlook on life.
At first it was a platonic relationship. This was very important to me feeling safe with him. I knew he was attracted to me but he wanted to know me for me.
For months we developed a foundation for our romance. This was so different than anything I ever experienced. I didn’t know falling in love could be so nurturing, that passion didn’t have to be filled with anxiety.
It was hard for him to understand the stories about my ex not having ever been with a narcissist. He never doubted me, but he couldn’t fathom the level of abuse and tried to understand.
I felt supported as I taught him the methods I used to heal my wounds with the Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Program (NARP). I sent him Melanie videos and he saw how he could heal his own wounds.
He adapted the principles so easily. His wounds weren’t as deep as mine so he healed faster, but his success motivated me to keep working.
Our friendship grew seamlessly into a romance. Our level of communication was so open and we set healthy boundaries in a way that never felt like a negotiation.
When I am out of alignment, he asks me what is triggering me. I encourage him to embrace his sensitivity, and he supports me in my shedding blocks to my true nature.
Because Melanie was such a part of us both healing ourselves and growing our relationship I could think of no better way to take the next step in our journey than by starting our marriage with Thriver wedding vows."
"If you’ve made your way to Melanie’s site and the NARP program, I don’t need to tell you about sabotage, and cruelty, lies, lies, lies, and aggression both subtle and overt.
You discover you are with a sociopathic personality. Grappling with that horrible reality is what the Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Program (NARP) is all about. I am seven years out (and was 20 years in). In five years I have created an AMAZING new life for myself.
The first year of NARP I used the program daily to find at least a few minutes of peace of mind and deal with whatever horror was going on.
There was financial fraud. Numerous affairs. Manipulation and deception on a grand scale. And it was effortless on his part. And this is very, very frightening because you realize he is capable of ANYTHING. He would’ve killed me if he thought he would get away with it. Because getting away with it was FUN.
NARP taught me how to self-soothe old patterns and squirrelly thinking. I found out who I am.
I learned how to leave, how to look at things to present a pattern of behavior to the courts, to lawyers, to my children – this was so important. I had to be the sane parent.
NARP was my armour. When I went to see my lawyer, when I went to see the business forensics guys, when I went to court, when I went to mediation, when I went back to court, when I got another lawyer, when I signed the house over, when I chose a new career path … it was all NARP-backed.
My kids did not understand because I had hidden things so well. And I was certain he was telling them I was crazy.
I really have a new life now, in a career I didn’t even know existed until after NARP. I have the best work I have ever had in a dream job.
Relationships with my grown children have healed. I have 3 beautiful grandchildren! Those relationships are True Love.
I can say that Melanie’s NARP program is a doorway into a new way of living and of connecting to the life source that is all around us."
"My first and last experience with narcissistic abuse shaped me up to be the strong, thriving woman that I am today, and have been deep inside all along.
I met my narc at work. I found my Soul Mate … or so I thought. We made a great team.
He displayed kindness, thoughtfulness, and appreciation for me. He was attractive, our work relationship quickly blossomed into an intimate relationship that carried on for a year and a half.
The red flags showed up quickly but I ignored them.
The relationship risked my career so we kept it secret. Then he became possessive claiming that I flirted with the male clients.
I thought that living together could strengthen our relationship but all but the accusations escalated – he belittled me and made me feel worthless.
I endured this abuse at home and at work and reached a point where it got physical once. After moving in together the money issues began.
This horror story lasted 6 months. I questioned my very existence and started having panic attacks.
I was ashamed to go to my parents but I called my Mom and opened my door to freedom.
She explained that I was being abused and agreed to help me leave if I would NOT return to him.
After leaving him he sabotaged me at work and turned the entire staff against me.
Then he used our relationship (which broke company policy) to take me out. Instant karma occurred and we were both forced to resign.
I moved in with my parents who supported me. I went No Contact but I was distraught and confused.
Mel’s YouTube videos resonated with me and I experienced my first shift during one of her free workshops!!
I purchased NARP as a gold member and soon started experiencing life-changing events.
My NARP recovery took about 8-9 months but the healing journey is never ending!
My life has never been better! I am happily self-partnered, I’m a boundary boss, and I’m a narc repellent! I have healthy connections with several people, I’m moving into my own home and I have a better career opportunity.
Life can only go up from here!! It all started with narcissistic abuse and ended with NARP …"
"I have never really had a “healthy” relationship with a man. And many of my friendships were fraught with me over-giving and under-receiving.
In 2002 and I met a man online that was funny, attentive, exceptionally bright, adventurous and good looking. He was from a good family and had his own plane that he loved to fly. He had two boys just a bit older than my son and inspired me to move out of my comfort zone and experience exciting adventures. I was smitten.
He wasn’t yet divorced but said it was almost done and we decided that I would move my son and I to the east coast.
Soon after the abuse started. He created arguments, yelled, screamed, frightening me (and my son), threw things and shoved me then begged me to stay. He was a master manipulator. He had odd friendships with women and was unhealthfully enmeshed with his not yet ex-wife.
I was stuck 3000 miles from family and friends with an unpredictable, angry, demanding man who was warm, generous, kind and bright to the outer world. I left him after three years and moved back west.
After seven years he started to love bomb me again. The next thing I knew he was living in my California home and we tried again for two more years.
He morphed into a more mental rather than physical abuser. It was insidious and ugly. My business suffered as I was so focused on him.
When he sent me an email telling me how impossible I was to live with, I thought that’s it! My therapist said to start 30 days of No Contact.
In my darkest hour I found Melanie’s information, it was my savior! He moved his things out of my house and I was finally free.
When I began working with NARP I started to meet my inner child to help her with past traumas.
Now I am able to navigate my life and its challenges without the high levels of anxiety I had always experienced in the past. More importantly, I love myself and have no charge left associated with the narcissist.
I’m so excited and joyous to be working on me, my business, my passion project and my singing.
Melanie’s work is the foundation for a lifetime of healing for anyone who does it. It’s changed my life and given me a love of self and my experiences that I have never truly felt before. I now have a deep sense of wholeness and integration that makes me feel full and complete. I am humbled and grateful.
I promise you this, you are worthy and deserve to have every beautiful thing that life has to offer. When you do this work it will lead you there."
"I was in a relationship with my childhood sweetheart from age 15. He was my everything and it was like a fairy tale.
I experienced physical abuse early in the relationship. The apologies and love-bombing came swiftly afterward and the cycle began. Friends and family warned me that he had been cheating but I had already lost myself and couldn’t live without him. So, we got married.
Within two years I barely had any friends. The ultimate isolation came when he decided that we should leave our idyllic island home in the Caribbean and move to the UK.
Fast forward 18 years and I find myself on the floor of our home, it’s about to be repossessed. I’m pregnant with our second child and our first is three years old. I’m begging him not to leave me. I heard him on the phone and knew he was going to be with her again. I crawled to the bathroom cabinet and grabbed a handful of colourful pills.
But a voice seemingly far away very gently said “no”. I slumped to the floor and cried. Another four years passed and one day after he threatened my life I finally called the police. He was arrested and taken away. My children and I fled to a safe place.
As I listened to Melanie, it’s like my life was unfolding before my eyes. This woman was talking about ME, she was speaking DIRECTLY to me!
I signed up for the free course. And that’s exactly what it gave me … freedom. I joined NARP; it was the biggest step at that time for me.
In six months my life completely changed. I wasn’t afraid anymore. My confidence grew and grew. I took responsibility for my own life.
Three years later, here’s what has changed:
I have divorced the narc – I paid for the divorce
My children live with me
I have a new job
I’ve taken my children on holiday the past four years
I’ve moved into a bigger home
I have secured child maintenance payments from the narc
I’m on the final year of a degree in Psychosocial Studies in London
I’m now in a relationship with my ‘Mr Wonderful’, he loves my children and we’re planning a future together
I have confronted my ex on many occasions. I’ve stood firm, maintained my boundaries, stayed calm
I’m now parallel-parenting two teenage children and my challenge right now is in continuing to up-level myself and help to equip them to deal with a narcissistic father.
NARP is a seed that must first be buried in the ground, where it’s dark, and it looks like nothing is happening. But keep watering and nurturing the seed and you will soon see a little shoot coming up. That’s your new up-levelled self."
The Narc in my life was my husband and it all started the day after we were married. He was Mr. Charm up until then but his narcissistic behaviour continued for the 42 years I was married to him.
Right after we got married, I was in the bathroom putting on my make up as we were going out and he said, “You look like a clown with so much make up on.” I had to pick my chin up off the floor.
He said, “Well I’m your husband now so I can tell you what to do.” He was obviously only waiting to marry me so he could make my life miserable.
I now realise my life was so awful with him, his mother considered me no better than doggy doo you get on your shoe.
My mother suspected and asked me what was going on but I denied it as this man was great at threatening my life and telling me how I needed psychiatric help and all that soul crushing stuff.
He was so charming he put a loaded shotgun to my head one night and whilst there were no more gun incidents after that, the threats were there.
When the 3 kids got old enough to fend for themselves I started looking at getting myself sorted and hopefully out of there.
As soon as I saw Melanie’s first video I had an identifying name for what was in front of me … so liberating.
One day when things were going downhill fast I decided to buy NARP. From the start I simply felt better and the hamster wheel inside my head slowed down.
I can now set boundaries and keep them, also I have had the ability to see my eldest daughter is a Narc and things like that.
It hasn’t taken me very long to get where I am with NARP. With all those anxious feelings of anger and resentment under control, change happened very quickly.
I thought I was far too damaged and traumatized to have any other life than the one I had.
With NARP, I KNOW there’s a better way and it comes in small ways each day, so hang in there and see how your life can improve with NARP because it only takes facing the reality of the situation.
The relief is so immense you wonder how you lived your previous life … so go for it!"
"My husband’s narcissistic abuse started when I returned home from being deployed to a war zone for seven months.
I was struggling with PTSD symptoms and adjusting to a new career. He took advantage of my nervous, anxious state and deliberately kept me off balance. His abuse escalated and I started thinking about how to leave.
I was shut down and barely functioning; I looked and felt like the non-dead. One day fate intervened – my husband had been doing illegal stuff unbeknownst to me and was now in serious legal trouble. I moved out and filed for divorce. He stalked me for 9 years afterwards.
I did traditional therapy for six months right afterwards, and PTSD therapy a decade later. The initial therapist I saw shortly after I moved out actually shamed and blamed me.
I did not have the words or knowledge to fully express what had happened to me until many years later. I did not know that my ex’s personality was narcissistic, nor that my sister was a narcissist as well.
My sister frequently started fights with me and put me down. I always had to play small with her to keep the peace. I finally went No Contact six years ago. My ex’s and her behaviour were similar in many ways. I felt as if I was only valuable when I was doing what they demanded.
Three months ago I found Melanie’s website. Oh boy was that an eye opener! I did not hesitate to try NARP. I thought it was very reasonably priced and I liked that I could watch the videos and listen to the modules whenever I wanted, in the privacy of my home.
The relief I experienced in my chest was immediate.
The first week a very strange and unexpected thing happened. I was walking outside, thinking of nothing in particular, and this wave of lightness and well being entered my body and mind, and I smiled. I had never felt that before.
The best way I can describe it is that throughout my whole life there has been this heavy, thick dark curtain dragging me down. And that particular day, the curtain ripped a little and I saw and felt the sunshine for the first time in my life. How wonderful is that?!
The modules continue to make that “black curtain” disappear. I now often experience feeling relaxed and spontaneous joy.
For the cost of one or two therapy sessions you will forever have the tools to lighten your heart, soul, body and feel joy … maybe for the first time in your life."
Rowena, a beautiful Thriver artist, shares how she recovered from the intense trauma and fear of the narcissist to launch a flourishing artistic career.
"It was a ‘charming’ relationship at first, overly so, then marriage, and then the rage, entitlement, violent behaviour, control and gaslighting began. After two years I was a shell of myself, full of intense fear.
The Narcissist would punish by leaving me, and my son, for weeks if I disagreed with him.
After researching his issues I found an article on Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) … and I broke down in a flood of tears, relief and gratitude.
A tiny spark of clarity had been lit. After learning about NPD and Highly Sensitive People/Empaths, I started to learn to love my own sensitivity and gentleness … and to take the onus OFF the narcissist at last, and to go inwards and to the Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Program (NARP). I joined, approximately 18 months ago and my life has been transformed!
The NARP process was easy to pick up for me. At times doing the Modules felt painful and upsetting, but these times mean so much is shifting within you.
Patterns of co-dependency and narcissism have been with me since childhood. Fear, guilt, shame, unworthiness and aiming to please my mother became the familiar reality for me.
NARP and Mel’s articles on parenting and her son Zac, transformed my parenting and ensured the breaking of these damaging patterns for me and my son.
My life now expresses the light that was always present within yet hidden under so much fear. I now have a flourishing art business, exhibiting and selling my artwork worldwide!
I also run a private FB group ‘Intuitive Painting – Grace & Joy! especially for Highly Sensitive People and those interested in Spirituality.
And I have started local workshops in my town. I would NEVER have felt able to do this before NARP!
NARP is a lifetime ‘tool’ and dedicating this healing time to myself has been the greatest gift of self-respect and empowerment! My Thriving life has already changed beyond anything I’d ever thought possible!"
Renee was blindsided by her narcissistic husband after he schemed for over a year before announcing he wanted a divorce.
He manipulated her to move far away from her workplace and work overtime while he quit his job. All the while carrying on an affair with another woman.
Renee says, ‘It felt surreal, like this person who had vowed to love me, was suddenly a stranger with one purpose only – to destroy me. It was as though a beast had emerged – and it was brutal and merciless.’
The narcissistic abuse continued, ‘He then immediately smeared me to all of our friends, his parents, and anyone who would listen. His parents took his side and withdrew all support for me and help with the children. This had become a war that his whole family was waging against me, and I had never felt more isolated or fearful.’
Renee’s husband then employed scare tactics during the relentless legal proceedings using disturbing behaviour and then pathological lies to add to her mounting distress and she became sick from the overwhelming stress of it all.
Renee’s psychologist promptly recognized he was a Narcissist. She researched how to strategize and protect herself and her children against the unrelenting emotional sledgehammering. She did this on her three hour round trip to and from work each day.
In 2016, Renee discovered NARP, she says, ‘I was so consumed with learning about Narcissists, and keeping my head above water, that I did not venture into the Quanta Freedom Healing Modules for another six months.’
‘At first I was skeptical that anything could alleviate what I was experiencing, but soon realised I held the key to my own recovery.
Within six weeks, life around me started to shift profoundly, in alignment with my inner shifts. This was a true edification process.’
Renee shares her thoughts on NARP, ‘This program has the intrinsic power to reconfigure trauma and distress, into enlightenment and soul transcendence.’
‘My children could sense and feel these changes, and they too became more settled and at peace with themselves. I made sure that I never talked badly about the ex-N to them, nor did I ever disclose the nightmare of what had really transpired. We just lived life in harmony together, and eventually, the torment for all of us stopped.’
Renee concludes, ‘The greatest joy in all of this is the confirmation that my children and I are now healed, and that this sinister cycle of abuse has been severed for future generations. That, in itself, is a true blessing. And you can so do this too! Just believe in yourself, and never give up.’
"Several years ago I entered into a relationship with a man who seemed to be everything I had been looking for. By then, almost fifty years old, I felt like my time had come, that my prayers for a life partner were finally answered.
Solicitous, attentive, flattering and overwhelmingly charming, he held out the promise of the long term relationship that I had been praying for. Seven months later, confused by his behaviour and fed up with his unbridled disregard for me, I broke up with him.
I was one of the lucky ones, at only seven months I’d gotten out relatively quickly.
I didn’t know what had just happened to me, all I knew was that something had been terribly off in my “relationship” with the narcissist.
I spent days looking for a “cure.” I felt defeated, humiliated, angry and sad, yet utterly hooked on the man I had just left behind. It was a very confusing, emotionally tumultuous time.
My search for answers led me to Melanie and her Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Program (NARP).
After my first NARP “shift” I had several more in quick succession. I felt myself breaking free from the heavy, soul-leaching spell of narcissistic abuse.
In six months I hardly thought about him at all, in a year all I would feel was complete indifference towards him. Two years later, I felt a deep gratitude for his playing his role so well that it brought me to where I am today.
Now, as a result of NARP and Quanta Freedom Healing, my outlook on life is far more expanded and far lighter than I could have ever imagined. I can now say with complete confidence that I am truly happy.
Melanie has given me the gift of self healing and self-love. Life and all its ups and downs need not get the better of me anymore.
Working NARP is not always easy, but this much I know – it works. The NARP path to healing is never predictable, but with patience, perseverance and a modicum of self-attention, it is inevitable."
"Fifteen years ago I divorced after a 20-year marriage. We had four children, two homes, and a picturesque life. After two decades of “abuse” I changed the locks! Little did I know the storm that would follow.
The nightmare of my divorce led me to seek alternative healing. Five years later I began dating an old friend who was an abuser. After that I went another five years without dating.
Then, I met the ONE. We met touring the beautiful Sedona Red Rocks in Arizona. Soon after the “Love Bombing” began. There were romantic dinners, vacations, he asked me to quit my job, and began paying my bills.
I thought he was in love. Along with paying my bills came the spontaneous ‘let’s get away’ but I quickly saw the Jekyll-Hyde emerge.
I actually had a panic attack in the hotel room after he blew up on me for wanting to take a bubble bath before dinner. By now I was transitioning into my own business, totally dependent on him.
I asked a friend for a listening ear. She immediately said, “he’s a narcissist”.
Fast forward. I confronted him head on. He begs for another chance and I give in. But now the revenge is coming. OMG, that is the worst part. It came out like a torpedo seeking an enemy submarine.
After months of this I wanted to be free from his “CRAZY”. I needed another level of healing.
That’s when I found the Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Program (NARP). I made a detailed plan to escape. I went NO CONTACT.
I navigated out of a very destructive relationship quickly. NARP allowed me to heal the traumas that made me choose abusive partners to begin with.
Since beginning NARP my life has had a complete turnaround. The connection I feel to myself is remarkable. The presence and clarity is invigorating. I’m no longer second-guessing myself. I trust myself and I love co-parenting my inner child.
My business has taken off and I’m Thriving. I’m at the helm of my own ship.
Incredibly, these results are in less than 90 days.
Thank you Melanie for your vision. You are the Moses of the ones in bondage to the Narcissist slave master leading them to the Promised Land."
"It’s a story with a different twist. My narcissistic abuse experience is about self-recovery – and it is also about how we CAN lay boundaries and ultimatums and be “willing to lose it all to get it all” in order to have people step up in our lives.
My name is Sheri and I am a Thriver.
I have attracted narcissistic relationships for most of my life, in part because I am an empath.
My codependent behaviours helped me navigate my life as a child, teenager and adult. Two people who are my closest family relationships reenacted their own narcissistic abuse with me.
The closest relationship I have in my life became narcissistically abusive long ago and after 30 years of crazy-making behaviour, it took its toll on my body, mind and spirit.
I was sick with myofascial pain syndrome, anxiety, panic attacks, agoraphobia and depression. I used alcohol, prescription pain meds, food addiction and religious serving to numb my emotional pain.
In December 2015 I was having a nervous breakdown. Something had to change and that had to be me.
I devoured Melanie’s videos and with the Quanta Freedom Healing webinar I had my first release of trauma from my body.
It was such a physical and emotional relief that I became a Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Program (NARP) Gold Member.
NARP gave me the tools to set clear boundaries for myself, to confront the narcissistic relationships in my life and request a change in behaviour.
My closest relationship has healed so much that this person is now aware of the narcissistic abuse they themselves experienced growing up.
By healing myself, I became my own soulmate and best friend and am able to give myself the life I’ve always wanted. I have forgiven the narcissistic people in my life and I am no longer a target for their toxicity – it just doesn’t work on me anymore and they know it.
Now, I am the healthiest I’ve ever been physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually!!
YOU are WORTH the healing that you so desire! Make the investment in your future self."
"I once thought my ex-husband stole my heart but the reality was over 10 years he stole my energy and identity.
Within a month of meeting he told me he loved me, bought me gifts, took me to expensive restaurants and called me his princess. I thought he was perfect but things changed. He ignored my calls, gave me cold glares and the silent treatment. He would then act as though nothing had happened, being romantic and loving again. I was so confused.
As the years went by his mood swings were more frequent, threats to hit me and grab me became a normal part of life, damage to the house, cheating, storming off, not returning home and the lies.
When I had my son I finally listened to my gut, I couldn’t ignore it now as it wasn’t just me being affected. I started talking to my family. They listened, comforted me and then I finally left my husband.
Physically leaving a narcissist was hard but I underestimated how much he would still live inside my head. I went to support groups, counselling, courses on narcissists and domestic abuse but nothing was helping me get him out of my head. The mind games and abuse continued after we separated.
I did a Quantum Freedom Healing workshop but I didn’t know if I was ready to let go of all the anger and resentment.
I now know the abuse was not my fault. I lost my business, friendships, savings, left with debt and a broken Soul from the emotional, psychological and sexual abuse.
I have learnt how important it is to take the time to do the inner work. I thought it was selfish to work on my healing when my son is also suffering from the actions of my ex-husband but there is nothing selfish about it. If anything it’s crucial to work on your own healing to become a stronger parent and person.
I felt a difference after the first NARP module. I am currently fighting to protect my son against his narcissistic dad but whilst I am I know my worth and to not blame myself for what has happened.
I’ve been doing NARP for a year and know freedom of abuse is possible and I am so close to getting there."
"Eighteen years ago we moved into our lovely new home. It was everything we could possibly dream of. Lovely big gardens, big open space, and a very, very, very friendly neighbor.
In fact, she was the best. Always there, always willing to talk, plenty of time on her hands. A stay at home mom with a cute little boy.
Things progressed really nicely for a few years, although I started to have a growing sense of unease around her.
When I discovered I was expecting twins suddenly, the mask fell, and I found a vicious, nasty individual.
She started intimidating us. It culminated with me being hospitalized on several occasions for stress while I was pregnant.
It didn’t let up. After I had the twins, the abuse started in earnest. I was increasingly isolated from a lot of my neighbors, she spread malicious lies about me, sabotaged my business.
Things progressed quite nastily. Eventually she started threatening me with any local authority, and would threaten to go to the radio about me. All the while, I just kept a quiet dignity. I didn’t retaliate. I didn’t give her oxygen.
In fact, for the last 14 years, I have not even spoken to the woman. Gradually, her attention shifted to another individual.
Two years ago, that particular lady moved out. She couldn’t take the stress anymore. Needless to say, her attention focused back on me and it came to a pinnacle, after my beloved father passed away in the middle of the pandemic.
I had the police arrive at my home accusing me of illicit and illegal activities. After I calmly detailed a long history with the narcissist next door, he finally saw the picture, but it didn’t end there.
The following day another police visit and then again. Finally, I wrote a detailed letter to the chief of police.
In the last 14 years the police have been to my house on 30 occasions. The officers now see this as a waste of police resources, and are actually starting a criminal investigation into her.
Whilst writing to the chief of police, and whilst engaging my solicitor, each time, I’ve been cool, calm and collected, but I could have only done that with the help and the work that I’ve done with NARP. She can’t threaten or intimidate me anymore because she is nothing to me.
My family is whole, my family is healthy, and they are happy. And because of the changes that I’ve made, I can see changes in my children as well.
The way that creature made me feel was horrendous. Being a young mum, being isolated, being ostracized because of the lies she told about me, had a huge, detrimental effect on my health. I was left feeling quite isolated and quite suicidal at times. It was a very long and dark time in my life.
I tried so many different help groups and forms of therapy, and it wasn’t until at my lowest point, just after the police officers had left my house, just after I realized that I couldn’t take this anymore, that I found NARP.
Within literally one meaningful healing of NARP, I found the strength and resilience that I didn’t realize I had. And with Melanie’s help, and with all the wonderful people in the NARP community, I have found solace. I have found my resurrection, I have found peace and I am emancipated."
"Although I suspected I was dealing with one narcissist – my boss, it wasn’t until I started NARP that I realized that I actually had three of them in my life, including my spouse and a parent.
Melanie appeared as the right teacher at the right time in my life, and I don’t know how I would have gotten through this challenging period without NARP.
A year before I had hit my bottom. Although I had already left my spouse, I was depressed, more anxious, physically and emotionally exhausted.
I just wanted it all to stop, and I did not want to go on any longer. My support network helped me enough to not harm myself, but the depression and anxiety continued.
As soon as I started NARP, I felt the positive impacts almost immediately.
I struggled the most with the eBook on Forgiveness. I felt challenged to forgive the people who had hurt me in the past.
Self-forgiveness had the biggest impact on my healing. Every time I feel triggered I say, “I honor and bless this feeling, and as soon as I can I will shift, release and heal this trauma.”
As my divorce became ever more contentious and the other party tried to bully me ever harder, I relied heavily on the Module 8 healing: Release and Heal the Fear of the Narcissist and Whatever He or She May Do Next.
Before every hearing and whenever a divorce issue came up, I did multiple shifts from that Module. I developed such a sense of calm, knowing that I could stand up to any difficulty, that by the trial, I had no fear of what would happen. At that point, the other party suddenly decided to negotiate, and I won a fair, reasonable settlement.
After 18 months with NARP (and now moving through the Empowered Self Course), my life looks and feels completely different. I have moved to a lovely new home, found fulfilling work, and am pursuing some lifelong dreams. I am physically and emotionally fit and getting stronger every day. I am self-partnered, living authentically, and enjoying my Thriving life."
"I was a very empathic child with psychic abilities, I seemed to know what people around me were feeling. I hated it – I could see right through them.
There was always a main manipulator in my life and then at 26, I met a charismatic yoga guru – 18 years my senior. We got married in a spiritual ceremony in Mexico.
I was his yoga girl accessory and as much as I looked up to him, I started hating him very soon for being so false. I escaped him 4 years later with a one way ticket to Italy.
A few months later, I was fleeing a spiritual cult that had tried to brainwash and destroy me, and claimed that the child I was pregnant with was in fact the next Messiah.
At 33 I was living in Barcelona, finally doing my dream Master’s Degree in Photojournalism, when the guy I was seeing told me that I needed to move to him now, or we would have to end it.
I was desperate for his love and I gave up my dream degree to go be with him in Ibiza.
It quickly spiralled into a chaotic circus of illegal business, cheating, drugs and before I knew it I was pregnant.
Four years later I woke up understanding that the life I was living was very, very wrong. I had to escape my own life yet again, but tied up with children and houses meant I couldn’t just walk out.
It wasn’t until I found myself homeless, jobless and penniless that I realised that the common denominator in all of my awful events was in fact me.
Melanie’s approach resonated with me, and in the beginning, I did 8 NARP healing sessions per day and only 3 months later I started doing work I loved.
When the abuser began threatening me again, I went to the police, and to court. Because of my work with NARP I knew what to do, and what to say in court.
The best part is that my book, Escaping the Magic, is being published this year.
If you are in an abusive relationship there is only one way forward – to heal yourself. And with NARP you have access to all the support, love and healing you will need."
"My memory of “something not being right” with my mother goes back as far as I can remember. I had to be “less than” my true self to please my mom and had to “dim my light” to get along with my sister.
My childhood consisted of a series of patterns and practices by my mom and sister that left me totally wounded. Oddly and thankfully I was always a child of great faith in God.
My mom was diagnosed with manic depression and bipolar disease, and took medication for it. However, the meds and therapy never solved the problem. I was repeatedly traumatized by her complete mental breakdowns.
While in college my dormmates and friends turned on me and I was devastated by their rejection and almost failed out of school. A few years later I lived and worked in Washington, DC. but I was living a somewhat isolated life.
This led me to joining a cult, unknowingly. I feared leaving until a woman at work pointed out that my church was indeed a cult.
I ended up leaving the cult and my job and returned to New York to my family home. I had horrible nightmares as a result of the cult.
I was 30 years old when I entered therapy to know why I kept attracting these people and harmful experiences into my life. I discovered that my mom was a narcissist. At times I felt better, at times I felt the pain of my past. I even seriously contemplated suicide.
My therapist suggested I write a book, it is called, “How I Broke the Generational Curse”, it is about navigating the discovery of a narcissist mother and an enabling family.
When I found NARP it was a happy accident. Melanie offered a way to heal the pain and trauma.
NARP gave me the permission to be my own saviour. Through Quanta Freedom Healing I was able to go back to childhood traumas and heal and change the internal programming and self-dialog.
Healing, I believe, is the most important work we will do on earth. It is my hope that people who are hurting will come to realize this and value this work, for it is then and only then that we can step into who we truly are and what we are truly meant to experience and have."
"I met my husband in 1997 when I was 26.
We lived together for twenty years, twelve of which were sweetened by the arrival of my daughter in 2005, my son in 2007.
The children and I have been trying to get him out of our lives for good since November 2017.
The horrific treatment during our marriage was nothing compared to the rage that has been consuming him since then. He has smeared me to legal authorities, stalked us, cut off our financial resources, threatened me, tried to get me hospitalized in a psychiatric ward, tried to take my children away, broken into our home, lied repeatedly in court … and yet the kids and I have never been happier.
After I considered ending my life in the summer of 2017, I decided to make one final effort to stay alive and raise my children alone. I started reading all I could find about personality disorders of any kind. It was not long before Mel’s face became familiar.
That was the beginning of a painful journey out of the abyss. I prepared the separation meticulously, using all Mel’s advice and free resources.
I dithered until late 2018, finally purchasing NARP and it has helped me turn many, many things around.
My inner journey took me to key experiences in this life and before. I found and healed wounds from former lives, from when I was in utero, already scared almost to insanity faced with my mother’s loathing and fear of me.
As I shifted, my body became healthier, I slept, I ate, things started falling into place. I have never felt this happy, healthy, free and empowered in my entire life.
I have broken the chain, all the links from childhood abuse right up to the last time I was face to face with my husband. I intend to remain free, and my children are free, strong, authentic and happy too.
Can my life get any better? This is already way above my wildest hopes and dreams, I feel so alive again.
Outwardly, our life is still a mess: no divorce, no custody and property settlement, hateful attempts to harm and derail us – unsuccessful all of them! And yet my days are filled with joy, love and progress."
"I grew up in a narcissistic family in the dangerous inner-city, with all the things that come with that (neighborhood violence, gaslighting, love bombing, neglect).
I didn’t feel heard or seen; I felt awkward and out of place. There were no boundaries.
I had several breakdowns – in college, graduate school, and a few times in my 20s.
I tried meditation, yoga/spiritual retreats, spent thousands on therapy … I’d feel better for a while, but kept sliding back into feelings of inadequacy and self-criticism.
I developed a chronic, painful illness which cost me tens of thousands of dollars to treat – I could barely drive or walk, my hair fell out, I had migraines, and barely had the energy to get out of bed.
I did not have success in romance. All the romantic relationships I had in the past have been with narcissists.
NARP showed me my unresolved internal traumas. Deep down I believed there was something wrong with me despite my successes.
I started and stopped NARP before I finally committed to the program last year.
When you move into being a Thriver, narcissists often self-select themselves out of your existence!
Feeling free and unencumbered after my last unhealthy relationship, I eagerly resumed NARP. This time it worked.
In LESS THAN ONE YEAR post-narcissist, my life is taking off. I have an even deeper sense of inner peace and freedom – I can breathe!
The dark cloud floating over my head my whole life has disappeared! I moved into a town home, made new friends, enjoy financial success, got a raise and an award at work, and am debt-free.
I’m a power lifter and have set new personal records, and even built a gym at home.
I’m grateful that I got serious about this journey in my mid-30s, and am looking forward to living the rest of my life the Thriver way. It’s so liberating!
I am now working through the Empowered Self Course. Healing is a work in progress.
To those considering NARP – you CAN do this. You will swim against the tide and not follow the herd, because NARP is a revolutionary way of being and thinking.
But the payoff is HUGE."