Virtually every person wants healthy love, good health and vitality, success and rewarding feelings whilst doing their life mission and vocation.

Yet, even after dearly wanting these things and even yearning for them, why can it be a struggle to achieve them?

In today’s Thriver TV episode, I will explain to you, in real detail, exactly what is keeping you separated from the life of your dreams.



Video Transcript

Today I want to have a conversation with you that I know could really help.

If you are new to this community, I hope with all my heart that this conversation will allow you to understand how to be able to start accessing your best life after narcissistic abuse.

If you have been a member for a while, this episode may be a powerful reminder of the truth for you.

This is about how to create the life that you were born to live. Maybe a more incredible life than what you ever believed was possible.

Okay, so just before we get started, I also want to tell you about my next upcoming Free Masterclass. This is my most powerful resource in regard to connecting you with how to live your best life, and it’s happening in just a few days’ time.

To sign up for this Quantum Healing Event click this link.Β 

Okay so now let’s get started …


How Your Life Really Unfolds

It can be difficult to initially realise how powerfully you are creating your own life. Yet, it is a vital understanding if you want to change the life that you are living.

Aligning with your best life requires these components – your thoughts to match your desires, and your Inner Being programs to match them as well.

Your heart knows what you want, and the feelings in your heart are the part of you which is most closely connected to your soul. At a deep heart/soul level, we all know our highest potential. We know what we want and who we wish to be.

In a general sense, for most people, this is healthy and fulfilling love relationships, good health, vitality and to be aligned with one’s purpose – meaning having a fulfilling vocation that contributes to the world in meaningful ways.

Yet, many people struggle to achieve such a life.

Why is this?

When our heart’s desires don’t come to fruition, it is because our soul truth, thoughts and subconscious programs aren’t aligned.

To begin to explain why, I want to share with you the understanding that you are creating your life from your emotional frequency (feelings), not from what you think. Meaning that what you feel about any topic in your life is what will be true for you, rather than what you are trying to think about it.

Also, these feelings (already pre-programmed beliefs) on any topic in your life determine how you interact with the entire Field on this topic – which is the people, situations and events in your experience related to it.

If your emotional inner composition is healthy, empowered and embodied in deservedness on this topic, then so it will be.

If your emotional inner composition is unhealthy, disempowered and struggling with related traumas on this topic, then so it will be.

It is very normal to believe that an outside force is the cause of our distress, struggles, and difficulties. Or even that a Higher Power is not allowing us to have what our heart desires, yet this is actually not the case.

I promise you this is not about blaming ourselves for not being able to obtain and retain our heart’s desires. Rather, this is a deep inner Quantum Law understanding that frees you to access and amend your inner programs that have been unfolding in your life, often unconsciously, in ways that have not been serving you.

By understanding that the generation of your creations are within you, you can take your power back, heal within and start accessing trajectories of emotions, thoughts and opportunities that you didn’t have access to previously.

Which is so much easier than trying to change the billions of other people on this planet, or the trillions of outer events and situations that are not part of you, to get a different life experience.

When I finally understood this, and stopped trying to change or negate everything and everyone else, and simply turned inwards to do the work inside of me, a whole new universe opened up.

And I know it will for you too!


Your Higher Power is Ready to Partner With You

Since becoming a Thriver, I know in every cell of my being that my Higher Power wants for me exactly what my heart wants for me, and it’s only my inner composition, my subconscious already programmed beliefs, that may be in disagreement with this.

I know this to be the case when something feels painful, funky or confusing for me.

This is how you will know when you have conflicted beliefs with your desires – they don’t feel clean, easy or like a β€œdone deal”. You may even feel like your desire could never be possible for you.

And you might try really hard to think your way beyond this. Yet, it can feel unthinkable to think in ways that you can’t feel as true for you yet.

The reason is because the brain follows the body, it’s not the other way around.

I want you to think of it like this, your heart is your True Self saying β€œHello” to you. Now, knowing this, your real job is to get your inner composition, meaning your subconscious beliefs, onto the same page.

Once you do, your aligned emotions and thoughts, which organically flow on from this, will provide you with the inspiration, motivation and positivity to go after and create your goals.

And when your inner composition is aligned with your heart’s desires, this is backed by all of your Higher Power (your superconscious/God/Lifeforce itself) to provide you with all of the opportunities, synchronicities, and even miracles (people, situations and events) to work with you to bring your dreams to reality.


Being Disconnected From Your Best Life

If your body has stored painful traumas (by association) with any topic in your life, then you are not in emotional agreement with this topic.

Let’s take for example the topic of β€œlove”. No matter what your head is trying to think, if you have suffered trauma, disappointments and anguish in relation to love, those are exactly the associations that are formed as belief systems and stored in your subconscious programs, in regard to this topic.

The body wins every time because it is your emotional resonance that creates the reality. This is what stored subconscious programs do – they unfold the validity of the stored belief system to the letter.

For happy and healthy realities to physically manifest in your life, your belief systems (associated feelings) and real-life application (thoughts and actions) must become a direct match.

Essentially, the first vital ingredient is that your feelings must be clear, empowered, peaceful and inspired. If there are existing traumas, especially if they have been painfully impactful, then just trying to think your way into healthier belief systems is usually impossible to do.

This is because the logical part of your mind isn’t in contact with your emotional and limbic systems, where not only is your childhood programming stored, but also your continued adult trauma experiences, as well as the deeper less obvious programs of your ancestral belief systems, gender, race and collective human painful traumas as well.


How Do You Change Your Emotional Resonance?

If you have an understanding of Quantum Tools, and know that you can do healing work directly on your Inner Identity, you will access a simpler way to connect to your best life, rather than gruellingly trying to think your way into it.

Trying to formulate remedies for painful Inner Identity beliefs, means not releasing or reprogramming them, which equals remaining hostage to the continued and repeat trauma experiences in your life.

In relation to the thinking part of trying to change our life, a huge human tendency is to try to learn how to be different to change our Beingness.

During my Thriver Recovery, I understood something incredibly profound – I already was organically aligned to my best life, with all the resources available within me. I was also already capable of accessing everything that I required in The Field (all of life) to unfold the life of my dreams.

I didn’t have to learn how to be somebody different to get these things. Rather, I needed to unlearn the traumas, false beliefs and lies I had absorbed, to be free to become my natural Beingness.

I know that this may sound ridiculous and counterintuitive to everything you’ve ever learnt, however when you start going Quantum and are prepared to do the work directly on your inner emotional composition, the old struggles and confusion melt away, and a new clarity, power and ecological wholeness rises up from within.

Then you will see how everything that is your life will be touched powerfully and productively.

Let’s look more deeply at all this in the next section …


It’s The Feeling You Really Want

When I began to heal, for real, I was astounded at the irony of the following …

I’d been trying to get and do all sorts of things in order to feel okay about topics in my life, yet when I instead started working on the feeling first, and got that right, then the doing and getting followed my new aligned Beingness effortlessly.

Let me explain.

If you are trying to make the Getting and the Doing negate the feelings of empty Beingness, then you are trying to create your life with mere logical willpower.

The cognitive part of our brain has no access to The Field – the interconnected Higher Consciousness of all solution, possibility and expansion.

Logical brains are only processing information at a tiny forty bits per second. This is in stark contrast to the forty billion bits per second which our subconscious programs, our feeling centres, are generating, which are activating our Inner Identity and its connection to the entire Field.

What part of you do you think is making your life happen?

It is the part of you that is not logically conscious. What’s going on with you beneath your level of consciousness is what really matters.

Many people are dismayed that Law of Attraction principles don’t work for them. The reason they don’t is because if you have experienced significant trauma then your blocked up, fearful programs are super-glued in place.

The more impactful your traumas have been, the greater the power of these painful programs is to stunt you from living your best life.

And, the more that you try to overcome them with β€œpositive thinking”, the more the almighty power of these programs will push back and reinstate themselves even harder. This can literally make you feel like you are going crazy!

The effective way to address these inner programs is to bypass the thinking mind, and go straight into the feeling centre of the subconscious programs and release the traumas and painful belief systems there, and then replace them with the truth of who you really are.

My Thriver methods to heal (NARP) do this very effectively, because once released from the trauma energy, you learn how to bring down your Higher Power (which wants exactly what you want for you) into the space where the trauma once was.

This shifts you immediately into a different Beingness – the ecological oneness, harmony and your highest potential on the topic that you’re working on. And you certainly don’t have to experience it physically for your Inner Identity to recognise that β€œit just is”.

After the Beingness is anchored inside, another grand irony occurs, you no longer β€œneed” this thing to happen in your life in order for you to feel whole, at peace, and at one with it.

Which takes us to the next topic …


If You Need it Then it Will Not Come

I found in my own life, that until I shifted out the traumas and inner beliefs that were keeping me separated from what my heart desired, I was trying to fill up from the outside in order to reach a state of wholeness.

It didn’t work!

True miracle and the coming of something happens because you are already being it. The real-life experience, the confirmation, comes after the Beingness has been established.

I discovered that the most powerful manifestation of all is this: when you have the feeling of wholeness and beingness, you don’t need to get or do anything in order to feel at home with yourself and your life. From this place you are free to create joyously without attachment to outcomes and without the fear of never getting it, or losing it if you do.

This doesn’t mean that you’re never going to create! Rather you are free to create more than you ever have been able to in your entire life!

One of the most exciting things about Quantum Freedom Healing is that the inspiration and the ability to be more and create more, just organically comes.

All we need to do to create this, is to keep focusing on any dense emotional energy in our body, release it and bring in our Higher Power to replace it, which is exactly what the process of Quanta Freedom Healing does.

In my previous β€œLaw of Attraction Life” I was forever trying to visualise and hold the vision and keep the thoughts of what I wanted in my life going. I always had to be at it and would work on it often. I was forever trying to catch my thoughts and feelings if they went off track.

Yet now, because I simply release trauma on any topic in my life that is not working out for me, my Beingness is organically changing. I don’t have to keep working on my alignment. It just is!

Now there is nothing to keep monitoring and trying to manage or hold. I simply Become and then it comes! That is what be-come really means!

I love living free of neediness, and continually putting in the effort to try to feel whole. It’s just much easier to focus on releasing trauma to become whole, solid and peaceful inside.


What is Stopping You From Having the Life You Really Want?

I hope that you can truly understand that the only thing between you and your heart’s desires are your internal blocks and limiting beliefs (traumas).

But the great news is, that we now have the Quantum Tools to address this!

My Thriver Healing methods are completely focused on bypassing your logical mind, and going straight into your Inner Identity to reach, load up and release the traumas and opposing beliefs that have been holding you separated from the life of your dreams.

This is why I am beyond excited to invite you into my next Free Masterclass so that you can learn exactly how to release your blocks, and come into alignment with the life that you were born to live. The one that your soul is speaking to you about.

You can do this by clicking this link.

Please also share this video with people who you know are not living to their fullest potential and dearly want to.

And as always, I look forward to answering your comments and your questions below.


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18 thoughts on “The Only Thing Stopping You From Living Your Best Life

  1. Hey Melanie!
    I’m fellow Melbournian that’s been following your work closely. I totally resonate with the quantum
    freedom work that you live and breath. I just want to express to you how inspirational you truly are, I know its not an easy task to go head to head with the challenging task of moving mainstream consciousness into viewing things from an ground breaking quantum perspective (considering how the world system is set up ie fear based an competitive). It can seem like its such a serious business that we forget to keep it fun. I believe deep down we are all just children wanting to play, create and invent with life but the world slowly hypnotises that sense of creativity and adventure out of our system with false concepts based on fear and survival making sure our focus is always directed outward on the material. But you and I know the material world is only the tip of the iceberg, there is so so so much more miraculous magic within us and beneath the surface that we forget about. And most of all is wondrous, creative, inventive and fun! I love you xx Michelle.

  2. Hi Melanie,
    I too live a few suburbs away from you so it must be Melbourne Day.
    Every word you said is so true particularly that we need to go deep inside and not think we can think ourselves out of the giant hole we’ve fallen into, with or without a Narc in our lives.
    I have spent sooo much on Self Help of various types trying to work out why I couldn’t/wouldn’t/shouldn’t get the life I was so desperately wanting to live yet no matter what I did it stayed the same and is only now ever so slowly starting to change.
    Statements such as “we bring about what we think about” are so relevant however if we’re not helped to go deep and find out what we’re thinking about… because it’s so painful we really don’t wan to see it often… then it’s pointless telling us things like that and you go and explain so that even dear old biddies like myself can understand why when we try to do things the Wall of Resistance goes up inside us and it all becomes futile, as well as very costly both emotionally and financially.
    Although I did the work and got away from the Narc and cleared up the first layer with EFT, it was the only thing that gave me some relief in that time where you feel like your head is churning around half full of wet cement and frightened of your own shadow, but once I had cleared the initial stuff up the Resistance came back with a vengeance and so I spent and spent to get clear inside envisioning the life I wanted… head stuff! Needless to say it didn’t work even though I tried for over 10 years before I found you within the last eighteen months and achieved more than I ever had before.
    NARP certainly seems counter intuitive but the relief you gain from it proves that sometimes going against the grain… aka what’s fed to you emotionally/physically… is the way to go and heal and get the life you want without sharing with others your innermost fears, that was and is still to a certain degree, my most horrific feeling~~~ what if somebody found out? I’m working on it.
    It’s so good to know you’ve been there and done that and tell like it is without fear or favour and can guide us to a better life in a calm way if we wish to have that sort of life.
    Thank you so much for insights into our deep seated traumas and how to escape them fully.
    Bye for now~~~~~~~~

    1. Hi Maureen,

      it certainly is Melbourne day!

      I completely agree that trying to tackle this on just a thinking level is nowhere near deep enough, and can be incredibly frustrating and painful.

      It’s also very true that NARP is initially totally counterintuitive because we really believe that we should not be going to our traumas and should just be able to create a great life by being “positive”.

      Yet, unless we go to the trauma, load it up and release it, we can’t live free of it, regardless of how much positivity we try to think and create in our life!

      Oh gosh Maureen I have been there and done that, completely and utterly, and I am so grateful that I finally did find the way to live free of trauma and start creating my True Self and True Life.

      I am so pleased that NARP has helped grant you the relief and the proof that this system really does work. And I’m so pleased that I can inspire you to keep going to truly clear the way for the life that you were born to live.

      That’s great that you’re working on it Maureen, and like all the other fears and trauma, truly those ones will melt away as well.

      So much love to you Maureen

      Mel πŸ™πŸ’•πŸ’›

  3. Watching AO – it’s raining!! πŸ™‚ πŸ˜‰

    The only part where I’ve found “thinking” to be especially helpful is with setting the intention for the shift. Sometimes we’re so blind to the core of the trauma that we don’t know what to shift. For me if I think about what I’m most afraid of in this life that usually leads me to the core issue. Then I can set the intention and have a better shift… and the shifts can be AMAZING if you move the right stuff out!

    1. Amazing Mel I love this blog it is so empowering. .I’m off to do my NARP programme NOW I feel excited to move out of a situation I have created through trying to fix it all I have created is stagnation I am sat waiting for a referral to a hospital with my renal care in my home town I am told the referral has been made and it hasn’t. ….twice. in the meantime my rent is accruing on my new bungalow which I am in danger of losing and I am stuck in a flat on an incline with a flight of stairs waiting to get out. I have become angry with the nursing staff and trust is out of the window. I see now I am the centre of this. I’m off now to do a module lots of gratitude thank you Mel

      1. Mel,
        I just went back and read your article from 2014, “10 Ways We Can Self-Avoid.”
        This is SUCH a powerful article. I think anyone on the planet could benefit from this understanding. Reading it I can see my old patterns, my families patterns, my friends patterns… we’re not all the same in our methods of avoiding, but … wow! It really shines a spotlight on all the old tricks that never really work!

  4. Dear Melanie,
    I am a NARPer and I appreciate this wonderful episode so much, it completely resonates with me! Its so well explained. Fantastic. It’s so TRUE!
    Lots of love

  5. Hi Melanie,

    I know I say this all the time but this really is my favorite post.

    I just did a three day workshop on manifesting our dreams. The thing that nagged at me was the feeling that :”if I have to CREATE this new life, I don’t want it”. I want only what is really mine from birth

    What you’re pointing out is that our REAL nature and selfhood IS already existing in a state that we learn to access consciously and enjoy practically. It has been within our hearts the whole time. QFH helps us access it and allow it’s beauty to be revealed.

    It is The TRUTH, not an invention of ours,that sets FREE the REAL NATURE from within.


    The Truth is UNcovered, and our BEing is DIS-covered… Not invented nor “attracted”. It is already mine own. I AM TRULY LOVED.

    I don’t want anything I have to “get”



    I can’t thank you enough for all you do and especially for this particular piece

    All love to you β™₯️β™₯️β™₯️

    1. Hi Iris,

      absolutely that is the truth, you have nailed it!

      Dear lady you have expressed this perfectly… Even better that I think I can!

      So much love to you Iris

      Mel πŸ™πŸ’•πŸ’›

  6. thanksmelanie and tiggie! i live with my narc mother for the past 7 years. i need to leave and am convinced i can’t take care of myself . i hope to rid myself of these ideas.thank you! i need to leave.

  7. Hello Mel,
    I thank God for you. I read and re-read all your inspirational emails you send to me. They lift my heart and help me heal to be-come. For about 18 years, I lived with a narcissistic husband whom I left 3 yrs ago and stayed no contact, though he keeps trying to win me back in his abusive life which i will NEVER EVER go to again. This January 2020 am so happy that the traumas that has been blocking to find real me are now gone and I registered with an institution to learn Psychological Counselling. Thank you very much Melanie.

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